Artfight Hitlist !

Posted 2 months, 20 days ago by Harrie


As ever in July I'm not going to have a lot of free time, as my partner is visiting for the majority of the month because it's my birthday (the 14th !), and as such I'm going to be busy for most of July.

However, I'd like to expand my portfolio for commissions a little with characters I'm happy to draw but don't get a lot of commissions for—which is to say, I'd like to make a few anthro and feral sketch samples! If you've any characters that fit this, you can find my hitlist here. I can't make any guarantees due to my limited time, but I appreciate having options available!


i put in a response! :) always wanted art from you, hope this artfight will be that opportunity

hope you have fun during AF and thank you for the chance >:3c