!! June/pride raffle !! [drawing!]

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by cr0ws

sexuality demographic poll!

8 Votes hetero
23 Votes homo
33 Votes bi
24 Votes pan
23 Votes ace/aro
7 Votes demi
20 Votes other!!

aYO there's over 700 of y'all now whAT??? that is,, straight up insane i can't even begin to thank y'all enough hgkjshfdj

i appreciate the support sm and i'm glad you all enjoy these as much as i like hosting them!!!

i triedddd to make this one a little different so please please lmk if you aren't vibing with smth and i'll do my best to improve off that!!

- - - - -

:: themed custom raffle ::

- x5 winners || pick a theme out of the couple i've provided!! first drawn gets first pick, etc! these are off-base!!
:: THEMES ::
+ feminine
+ masculine
+ lack of gender (NB, etc)
+ lack of attraction (ace, aro, etc)
+ any theme! (free space!!)

:: YCH raffle ::

- x5 winners || it's just one character, i added x2 in the example to display an anthro version haha; 
any species, gender, outfit, and flags!! (ally included! no just straight though sdfkj)


:: premade design raffle ::

- x5 winners || first picked gets first pick, third gets final design
D&D themed L + G + B + T + A !! i was planning a pan halfling too but ended up running out of time oops


- - - - -

:: general rules ::

- please be subscribed to my acc here! new subs welcome ofc- it's a way to give back to the people supporting me so if you're not i'll kindly ask you don't enter agh sorry
- please don't just unsub, unwatch, unfavorite, unfollow, etc after the raffle- notifications are optional obvs!!!
- kindly don't complain about the premades or prizes aGH,,, i do absolutely take suggestions though!! always looking to make these better for the people entering haha
- closes on the 1st of July
- you can enter for any of the raffles or all three, feel free to spread your tickets how you'd like!
- might also add additional ways to earn tickets
- rules subject to change/addition haha

- - - - -

:: how to earn tickets ::

- just comment/be subbed !!! || (x1 ticket)
- favorite Christian, Tiptoe, Bane, Orion, Skeet, and a kid from here!! || (x2 tickets each) for a total of 12 tickets (if you already have one or more of them faved lmk and you'll get the tickets anyway haha y'all best bet i'll be checkin though--)
- fav another 5 random characters || (x4 tickets) can only earn once
- gimme ideas for questions for future quiz/form things || (x2 tickets each) can earn two times for 4 tickets total
- compliment the person below you!! (do not have to tag!) || (x4 tickets) can only earn once ((also i'm aware this one could get a little sticky considering people often comment at the same time oops skdfj))
- complete this random thing || (x5 tickets) can only earn once
- share an anecdote/lil story about your experience either in or with the LGBT+ community! || (x5 tickets) can only earn once

max number of tickets per person is 35 !! for now lmao
current ticket numberings
please keep ticket entries organized: tell me what raffle/s you're entering for and how many tickets you'd like to add for each


Already subbed!

Faved all!

Faved another 5!

Did the random thing!

Hey person below, I really love your profile picture and Characters! They all are so beautiful!

I'll put em in the themed custom raffle!

ah heck, tyvm for entering!! you've got 26 tickets i believe, i'll add those right in!

Thank you!!!

Already subbed! +1

Faved all! +12

I suggest “what’s your favorite big cat” and “what‘s the color of your favorite shoes” for the quiz hehe +4

Hello user below! I like the name Ritzu a lot,, it is cool +4

Did the random thing! +5

Um, I don’t know if this technically counts? But maybe it does!! It’s a little personal but maybe it’s cool to hear—I am straight, but for a long time I was questioning my sexuality and if I really like girls or not, trying to find a definition of how I felt, so I started kinda flirting with a female friend of mine to see if it felt natural. I ended up giving her a little peck, and that was what made me decide that it wasn’t how I felt about her and now I feel more at peace about it! It was a fun little discovery (+5)

That should be 31 in total! I’ll put it all to the premade raffle <3

oh howdy, tyvm for entering!!! i can respect your story a lot, and i definitely appreciate the realization!!

adding your tickets in rn!

Already subbed, did all the faves (lmk if I mis counted for the 5 extras), did the random thing, as for the compliment...

Uhh howdy Seldominx, I'm bad at talking but oh well I'm gonna try

I like the colors on the character in your pfp, it's really neat and I like the vibes of them

I'd like all my tickets (16 I think pls correct me if I'm wrong) to go towards the premades ^-^

ahh tysm for entering!!! you've actually got 24 tickets, but i can absolutely put those all towards the premades regardless!

adding them in rn, thanks again!

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oh yeah the extra potterverse kids count!! and you actually have 24 tickets i believe, if i'm reading your entry correctly!

how should those be split?

This user's account has been closed.

no worries at all, i can certainly do that! thanks again!!


 faved everyone 

and everyone in here cr0ws on Toyhouse

future quiz ideas 1- fav race for dnd 2-fav animal aesthetic, 

compliment (your pfp is really cute ^^ and I love your character designs) 

completed random thing

errr story- when i first came out at school to people one of my fav teachers (english teacher of course lol) asked me if i would be happy to talk to someone in the year below me who was just starting to socially transition and now we are like best friends. as well as it's really funny when people tell me i'll never be a girl/boy because i'm NB so yeah they're right and then they get confused

should be 35 tickets and can they all be in the premade designs please and thank you so much for the chance ^^

oh man tysm for entering!! i can certainly add them all to the premade pool, putting them in rn!

ALREADY SUBBEEDDDD!! + Comment! (x1)

Faved Christian, Tiptoe, Bane, Orion, Skeet, and Todd! (x12)

Faved 5 random characters! (x4)

shvrkboi is super duper adorable and deserves to be loved, what an absolute cutie. (x4)

Completed the LGBTQIA+ quiz form thing! (x5)

Oh! Oh! What about a quiz where you list a bunch of queer icons and we vote on our favourite!! (x2)

oooorr another suggestion!! A WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHE-RA CHARACTER QUIZ!!! asdhgajk I'm sowwy i just finished it and I'm obsessed (x2)

Story Time!! KINDA PERSONAL?? I DUNNO I TEND TO OVERSHARE. SORRY IF IT IS TOO PERSONAL!! I DON'T HAVE A GOOD CONCEPT OF WHAT IS OVERSHARING AND WHAT ISN'T SO I'M SORRY IF I DID!! ashdjjhsajhk pls be nice to me, am not very smart!! aaaaaaaaaa!!! panik!!

I've been questioning my identity since like- from the beginning of time, I always knew I was different I just didn't know how,, for the longest time I thought I was a butch lesbian because I liked girls and I always wanted to wear "boy" clothes, and it stung me whenever someone would call me by my deadname. I came out to my dad when I was 11, saying "Hey...I think I'm lesbian." and he was insanely supportive, he actually took me to go get a slushie at 7/11 as a celebration! After a couple more years...I entered high school, an all-girls school, honestly, I had the worst time ever. I hated everything and everyone, I couldn't focus, I couldn't stand anything, depression hit hella hard and it was a super rough time,, after a while, I realized I was trans, and I came out to my dad, who then came out as trans to me too!! He was even more supportive, he did everything he could for me, he got me into therapy, he got me out of the all-girls school and into online schooling and honestly, I couldn't be happier. I have such a supportive family and I love them all so much, my dad has inspired me to become like him, so if I ever see someone with a shitty family, I take it upon myself to become the dad friend and comfort them, my online besties mean the world to me, my online family means the world to me, but so does my real family and I honestly, honestly could not be happier with my situation..well, I would like a dick and no titties but asides from that I couldn't be happier hehe.  (x5)


oh hey, tysm for entering!! i enjoyed reading your story oml so wholesome sdkjfh

adding your tickets in asap!

Faved all characters that weren’t already faved + five others!! And ofc im already subbed lol. For the form thing you could do just. Questions all over the place like- “do you like eggs” then “how do you feel about the crumbling state of society” or just something for people to type in obscure rants lol. I am not good at ideas sorry. The person below me has an epic pfp and more epic art :) did the form thing and uhhhh not exactly with the community but being called young man/sir by old ladies is so nice and apparently happens to a lot of trans men??? So that’s cool even though the old ladies in question are prolly transphobic 

I think that’s all the tickets Zhjdkdk so could I put 20 in the YCH and 15 in the custom?

ayee rad, tysm for entering!! 35 is all good with me haha, adding those in right away!

Thank you!!

35 tickets in total! I'd like to enter 20 for the YCH raffle and 15 for the premade!

- Subbed and commenting! || (x1 ticket)

- favorited Christian, Tiptoe, Bane, Orion, Skeet, and Todd McKinley!! || (x12 tickets)

- favorited Lamium, Neriaus, Iago, Aloysius and Kenley Firth|| (x4 tickets)

- Ideas for questions || (x4 tickets)
1. What is your favorite animated movie?
2. What was your favorite book/series as a child? 

- Complimenting Orisquirrelking || (x4 tickets
I really like these artworks (1, 2) you did! The thick lines work really well with the airbrushing in my opinion!

- Completed the LGBT+ google form thingy! || (x5 tickets)

- share an anecdote/lil story about your experience either in or with the LGBT+ community! || (x5 tickets) 
Being asexual and aporagender was a thing I've had an idea of for some time, even if I didn't have the words to explain it. It's important to note that my gender identity and sexuality and being out to my friends and my mom do not affect my life much. My mom is vaguely LGBTphobic but not in a malicious, hateful way. More like she thinks we're weird, but she doesn't want us dead or anything. I'm pretty sure she's ace too from what she told me in response to my coming out as ace, but she doesn't seem to care about "that kind of thing" lol.

I went to my school's LGBT+ club a few times and we talked about what it meant for us to be part of the LGBT+ community. Well, everyone else did. I didn't really have anything to say. Well, I felt like I shouldn't say anything. I felt like everybody else had a greater "right" to be there then, even though it makes no sense now, thinking back on it. Still, I knew that that session was for them to vent about their terrible home lives and their identities conflicting with the expectations of their communities, and being someone with little to no problems in that regard, it would be best for me to keep quiet, since I didn't want to take up the brief time each week which they were comfortable to speak out about their issues. I was happy to support and comfort them, but everybody knew everybody already and I was the only one in my year group, so I didn't really know anyone there,, and it sort of felt like I didn't really have the right to take the role of comforter away from people who would do a better job and knew the people better all throughout. Though I tried my best, I didn't feel that the club was the right place for me. I've never been much of a social person anyway, and I needed to work on my assignments, so it wasn't too much of a loss.


Anytime fam!!!!! And thank you so much for the sub, I really appreciate it! 

no prob!

oh sure sure, tysm for entering! i'll add those in right away!

Tysm!!! Your art & designs are scrumptious btw!!

subbed! faved everyone + 5 randoms n i did the random thing!

next ideas. hmm perhaps ghosts!! or aliens!!

11FallenAngel97 ur horses r magnificent!!!

hm. coming to terms w/being bi/grey-ace n genderqueer was hard to say the least i mean. religion (is fine) but culturally??? god. oh god

(would like 2 split between raffles!)

oh rad, tyvm for entering!! that'd be the full 35 tickets then i believe! as they can't exactly be cut evenly, i can split them 12/12/11 if you'd like? lmk which each of those should go towards!

yeah thats cool!! just throw em towards whatever, since im super indecisive X3

oh sure sure pfft, will do!!


I'd love to enter owo <3

ayee ofc! with just the one ticket? lmk which raffle i should put it towards!!

OOP forgot that part XD Yas just the one ticket I think~ And for the themed custom adopt please! <3

oh sure thing!! ty again for entering!

Commenting/ Subbed > 1

Faved Selected characters > 12

Fav 5 random chars > 4

Idea question 1: What's your favorite HTTYD dragon?

Idea question 2: Favorite Coka-Cola product?

To CookiMoon: I love the look of your pfp! Very cute! (and i also really like your user btwww) > 4

random thing complete > 5

oh hey, tyvm for entering!!

you've got 30 tickets i believe, lmk which raffle/s those should go towards!

No problem! Could I put 20 towards the themed custom and the other 10 towards the YCH? tysm!

oh sure sure, thanks again for entering!!

commenting/subbed (1), faved selected chars (12), made question below (2), completed the thing (5), story below (5), complimenting below (4) [29 in total]

dc or marvel?

HMMM UH well i've been questioning my sexuality since late december, and on the first of June I came out online as pansexual :]

to Bear55 ; your cyber hounds look so epic!

I'd like to add 15 to the ych and 14 to the custom :D

ayee thanks sm for entering!! i'll add your tickets in rn!

congrats on coming out btw, i'm sure it felt super relieving!!

thank you!! and yes it did aaaa

Commenting :) All Faved (I picked Fabiyan) Faved Another 5 (Swann, Quinn C, Quinn X, Tori, Fidgetfoot) Idea's; - Favourite Star - Second Favourite Chocolate

To the person below me, I want you to know that you are beautiful and amazing at all that you do <3 have an awesome day :)

Quiz thing done

Storytime; Umm well... I kinda have none lol. My first ever chatacter I'd made myself (in grade 7, soo a sorta while ago, 2015 I think it was) is a lesbian, but I've ended up going with demi-lesbian and well, I think I might be that too maybe, I dunno. I got no clue lol, I'm probably kinda asexual as well and I got no idea lol.

Total: 35 tickets 3o to the premades (I so want the cleric but the ranger looks cool as too) and 5 to the YCH

Thankyou :)

sorry for the delay agh!! tysm for entering!!!

adding your tickets in rn, glad you like the designs!

Would love to enter, already subbed!

Faved all the kiddos & completed survey <3

oh sure thing!! that'd beee 22 tickets i believe! which raffle/s should those go towards? tysm for entering!!

I'd like all to go towards the Ych if I can <3 <3

sure thing!!

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oh heck sorry!! i was definitely not aware of that- i have no problem at all fixing it, is the one i used for the adopt the correct one? i didn't even know there was a difference oops, apologies again!

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ohhh gotcha, sorry to hear that agh! i did end up trying to adjust the ych example last night, hopefully it's better now!!

I'd like to enter! :3

~ commenting/subbed (+1)
~ already had those chars faved but the folder lol (+12)
~ faved 5 random chars (+4)
~ here's some ideas! (+4)
    ~ fave DnD race
   ~ fave TV show or movie
   ~ celebrity crushes?
~ oakferret I love your lineart and art style, it's so cute!! (+4)
~ did the random thing! ^^ (+5)
~ here's a lil' story lol (+5)

okay one time I had to ride the bus because my car was in the shop. I sat beside by sibling (nb). We were talking for a bit, then this small child in the seat in front of us joined in. He asked what we were like gender-wise and it basically went like this- him: "are you a boy or a girl?" us: "yes" or some silly variation. eventually he decided that I was a guy (I'm dfab) and my sib was a girl because of our hair lengths. THEN he made the comment "you know you should be a girl for Halloween" (referring to me) "and you should be a boy for Halloween" (referring to my sibling). We both thought this was hilarious lol, and our friends did too when we told them

I think that adds up to 35 tickets, I'd like them all to go in the YCH raffle! :)

(also I just want to add that I love that you have a "compliment the person below you" thing, that's really nice and wholesome  )

ahh tysm for entering!!! i love your story lmao- i don't think i've ever been the subject of gender-based curiosity from a child bUT i've been asked if i'm DanTDM a grand total of like 17 times now pfft

adding your tickets in asap!!

no prob, thanks for the tickets! :3
also, that's cool lol, I don't think I've ever been mistaken for someone famous before by a kiddo ^^
a lot of children are obsessed with him from what I've seen-

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sweet sweet, ty for entering again!! i adore your story oml- accepting teachers are always super rad!!!

35 is right, no worries at all! i'll add your tickets in asap!!

Already subbed!

Favorited all the given characters!

Also favorited:


Quinn Xavier

Jasmine Darksteed 

Cori Hunter

Scarlet Hawkins

(sorry for delving into the 'gayming' collection im running out of characters to favorite)

Question ideas:

Whats your favorite free to play game?

Why is Ash not in a pokemon game yet?

Ill edit in a compliment after I post:


Did the form! (im the cody simpson childhood crush lol)

I had and still kinda have a really rough time with my gender identity, mostly ruined by watching the wrong youtubers. Kalvin Garrah was not a good choice for a child confused abt their gender lmao

I think I got 35?? so
10 to the premade design
25 to the customs
ty!! <333

ayee sweet, tysm for entering!! no worries about my gaming kids lmao, i'll probably link my bf's chars next time and hopefully that helps ksdjf !!

ash isn't in any pokemon game?? i can't say i've ever been super into pokemon to begin with but that seems bizarre lmaoo

aghh sorry about that though-- hopefully you start figuring things out soon..!

adding your tickets in rn!!

thank you!!! <33

[NICK] Subbed, Favorited everyone and extra five. Filled out the form.

Falc is a really cool person. I adore mushers and every dog enthusiast that actually follows their passion. Falc Also their art is super cool. Maybe for the form like favorite animals like birds, fish, or felines? When I first came out, I came out as enby, now I consider myself genderfluid, but it greatly increased my relationship with my sibling.

May all of mine go to the YCH raffle please?

oh hey, tyvm for entering!! you've got the full 35 i believe, i'll add those in rn!!!

Already subbed, faved everyone and 6 random, and also completed the form

The person below me (TigToggle) has great animations and also really unique and fun characters!

Maybe for the next quiz some of the questions could be about dream vacations or careers or something like that!

Could all of mine go to the themed customs?

heyoo, tysm for coming back and entering again!!

i can certainly do that, adding your tickets in rn!

Commenting(+subbed)!! and omg I loved the random google form that was fun hahah 

Total 6 tickets, but heh omg that quiz was just excellent  and I just needed to say that 

ayee heck, tyvm for entering!! i'm glad you liked the form oml, i always have fun figuring out questions for them!

which raffle/s should your tickets go towards?

The YCH raffle please!! ^w^

sure thing!!

Already subbed!

Faved everyone required!

Maybe your next form could be plushie-themed or soda-themed? 👀

I completed the questionnaire!

One time I got a guy expelled for being homophobic and transphobic towards me and my friends, as well as being sexist towards other students and trying to start a “meninism“ club

All of his friends were scared of me after that lmao

That should be 27 tickets!

I‘d love for 13 to go to the YCH and 14 to the designs!! ^^

sweeet, tysm for entering!! plushies and sodas are super good ideas oml--

adding your tickets in rn!!!

I'm subbed c:
Fav'd for 12 tickets! Completed the thing!
A form about the type of media ppl regularly consume would be fun I think! It's something I'm always curious about hahah!
Putting all of my tickets in for the YCH raffle :oD

oh rad, ty for entering!! you've got 20 tickets i believeee..? adding those to the YCH pool rn!

Entering all of the following for the YCH please!

  • I'm already subbed and you're reading this comment :) (+1) 
  • Favorited all linked characters and Fabiyan (+12)
  • Hmm, maybe you can ask about favorite food? Either food group (carbs/fats/protein/etc.) or flavours (sweet/spicy/umami/etc.). (+4... or +2, those suggestions were kind of tied, haha,,)
  • The person below me has a wonderful smile, and they probably come up with great ideas! And honestly the stuff they do is just cool. (+4, I think? I'm not sure I did that right, but I hope it's okay.)
  • Did the quiz! It was fun. (+5)
  • Uhhhh I just got back (literally yesterday lmao) from a trip halfway across the country to meet my nb partner who I'd been dating online for the past six-ish months. I love them very much, and their laugh makes my heart soar! (+5)
In total: 31 tickets (or 25 depending on what you count), all towards the YCH raffle please! Thank you for running these- this is my first time entering, but I always love to see it pop up in my notifs, haha

sweeet, thanks so much for entering then aa, glad you finally decided to pop in!!!

your story is so cute oml-- not me being jealous lmAO my bf is also long-distance and i'm honestly hyping to finally go see him aa i'm super glad y'all finally got to meet though sdkfjh!!!! i definitely wish y'all the best aa!

31's all good with me, i'll add your tickets in right away!!

think I recall you saying it's ok in the past to enter if you've won? it was like, a max of two wins iirc?

- commented/am subbed
- faved all and Ezekial from the kids
- faved quinn crowsong, quinn xavier (quinn is a good name), ryuu, tori, nero
- future quiz/form: favorite animals, what color eyes people have?
- person below me: seven has really cute art! and pristine taste in a DNI list tbh haha 👌
- random thing: done!
- storytime: positive story bc I'm a little proud of this. so I came out as trans at like 17 or 18 to my friends, the first in my friend group to come out as anything other than bisexual. I hadn't even known being trans was a thing until about six months before I decided to come out, and a lot of my friends at the time didn't know until I came out. I received near-universal acceptance from my pals, though one toxic now ex-friend did insist it was "probably just a hormone imbalance", lol. anyways. over the years, I lost contact with many of the friends over the years and grew apart from some, but I have come to learn that I was that pivotal gender moment for more than a few, as nearly all of the group ended up not being cis. I can name like eight people off the top of my head who ended up trans, and four of them have directly spoken to me about me being the first trans person they knew and a big influence. I'm really glad I was able to provide that. I'm also completely thrilled that we ended up being a big group of trans friends who just didn't know we were trans yet. accidental solidarity is awesome.

I think that's everything! I'd like to go all-in on the premades. can I just say I love that the bard is the ace one? 

oh yep, that's correct!! 

i enjoyed reading through your story oml- i had sort of a similar thing before i came out though just as ftm, not nb or flux or anything like that haha bUT i'm p sure most of my old friends are just cis lmao

i'll add your tickets in asap, tysm for entering again!!! and i'm glad you noticed, that was fully intentional lmao he's also my favorite out of the 5 and if it were an adopt batch i'd be sorely tempted to just keep him ksdjfk


Faved: All 5 kids + 5 additional ones

Subbed: Already been a sub

The Person Below Me: Has a pretty neat name

Thing: Completed (mine has an answer called Legend of Zelda Series)

Questions: Do you like colored pencils or markers? Who's your favorite character from Zelda?

LGBT: I have 2 lesbian friends irl who I've lost contact with :(

15 for themed raffle and 20 for premade

35 tickets

oh sweet, tysm for entering!!! i've never played a zelda game unfortunately, but sheik/zelda was one of my favorite players from SSB Brawl!!

adding your tickets in rn!!

🐸 Favorited the 5 characters!! (Already subbed)
Idea for the future: Favorite animal, or what you use toyhouse for! (EX: storing designs, making codes, etc)
The person below me has a really pretty icon
I completed the survey thingy!

I think that's 24

 I'd like to put 20 to the themed custom raffle
 ((either lack of attraction or any theme please!! hopefully thats how this works aa))

annd 4 to the premades!

ayoo i see that frog haha!! i've never owned a switch/NH unfortunately, but i have like 4 3ds ACNL cards i used to play all the time lmao

24 seems correct to me!!! adding your tickets in rn!

and the custom themes are actually all just in the same raffle, but when i draw 5 winners they get to pick which theme they'd like, in order!! apologies for the confusion oops! bUT generally speaking those themes are super loose, it's really up to the winner to interpret how they'd like!

Faved all +5 more, already subbed, commenting

Ideas for quizzes: Who would you date from Stardew Valley?

What kind if board games do you like?

I believe Sein would be a lovely person to be around ^-^

Completed the random survey-

I had this trans friend and he, along with one of his friends, helped me find out who and what I am today. Although we aren't friends anymore, I'm still grateful to him ^-^

I do believe I have done all, and that would be 35? If so, I would like 30 for the premade raffle and five for the ych 

Thank you! ^-^

oooh ty for the suggestions!! 35 seems right to me, i'll add those in rn!

tysm for entering!!!

subbed yeehaw, faved all those peeps, andddd for a next quiz thing you could do like what character would you be/i be from blah blah tv show :) BRO OKAY FIRST TIME I EVER SAW A LESBIAN COUPLE WE WERE DRIVING HOME AND ON A LIL GRASS HILL THERE WAS THIS SWEET LITTLE COTTAGE CORE GIRL AND LIKE A GOTHY GIRL AND THEY WERE KISSING AND IM LIKE aWWWWWWWW CUTE <333 (that is 20 tickets, 15 tickets to the themed custom and 5 to the YCH)

oh rad !! tyvm for entering aaa!!! and the story is so wholesome omg cuTE

adding your tickets in rn!!

IKRRR tyvm!!

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oh rad, ty for entering again!!! 35 sounds correct to me, i'll add those in right away!! you do have an extra 5 though, which raffle/s should those go towards?

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honestly same lmaoo-- will do, thanks again!!

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oh i actually did a hogwarts house one last time!! characters are a rad suggestion too ngl!

i'll count the story haha, no worries! 29 to YCH it is, tyvm for entering!!

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yep, 30 is correct, which raffle/s should those go towards? and ty for entering ofc!!

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oh sure thing!!

- Commented/subbed - Faved all five - Completed the lil survey So that’s like 18? Would you mind if I put them all in the YCH?

ayee sweet, 18 is correct!! and i can certainly do that, adding your tickets in asap!

Alright thank you!

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radd, thanks for entering again!!! 35 sounds about right, i'll add your tickets in asap!

- Already subbed (1)

- Faved all five. Already had Bane faced and the kid I faced was Todd. (12)

- Faved five random characters: Quinn Xavier, Quinn Crowsong, Phil, Tori, and Bisonstar (4)

- For the quiz, maybe favorite movie genre? Or maybe favorite kind of weather? (4)

- Based on first looks alone, I like the ahirked's pfp. I don't know why, but I feel the intense need to have an intense staring contest with it XD They also have some cool characters. I especially like Çelebi, and how in-depth they are. (4)

- Did the thing (5)

- Lil story: So, I fully believe that if it wasn't for the community, my friends, or the GSA at my school, I would have never fully come out. Meeting other people like me, seeing them thrive, and hearing about their journeys truly gave me the courage to be more open about my gender identity and sexuality. After meeting those people, I finally came out to my parents. It's still a bit of a struggle to get them to use the right name or pronouns, but I'm glad to be out of the closet now. Having my teachers call me by the right name and pronouns was such a welcoming change too. Even my teachers who had me in previous years had little to no issue with the change, and it made my last year so much better. Sometimes I say how I wish I would've come out sooner, but I'm honestly happy with how things have turned out. (5)

Total: 35. May I put 11 tickets into the themed custom and YCH? And then put my remaining 13 tickets into the D&D premades?

oh hey! tysm for entering, i can certainly do that!! adding your tickets in rn!

oh holy moly I'm so excited. I'm so excited. SO excited aaaaa-

editing with my ticket counts in a bit!! just wanted to express my excitement! also the DND premade squad are //chef's kiss,, perFECTION! I'm SCREAMING


  • Commented [+1]
  • Favourited Christian, Tiptoe, Bane, Orion, Skeet and Todd [+12]
  • Favourited Sayuri, Tori, Fidgefoot, Wesley and Scott [+4] - also damn bro I've faved almost all your characters. I was struggling to find more to fave haha!
  • Future ideas: 1) favourite indie/rock/other band/musician maybe? or 2) favourite plant :simp: I like plants hehe [+4]
  • Compliment person below you (@scirfirenegade): in a weird turn of events I really like your warning popup! it's very nicely formatted! your art style is also so unique?? I really like looking at the lineart oo,, very pretty! hope you're having a good week bud <: [+4]
  • Filled in form ! [+5]
  • Share anecdote/story: welp, I actually had a (rather shocking) experience awhile ago where a close family relative of mine asked to talk to me in private, and eventually came out as bi to me! I was really taken aback because they come from a fairly conservative background/country, and they're... Middle-aged I'd say. They even said that they now had to preach "Never say never" since, yk, they're older and have only just realised they're not straight! After the phone call I just sort of sat in silence for a very long time, but now whenever we see each other it's like this sort of,, special secret that we have. They don't want to come out to anyone else since they're in a relationship already and have a kid, but I guess it really goes to show that you can find out anything about yourself later in life. It's pretty cool. So yeah! In other news, I've met a WONDERFUL American person online who is also bi, so I've got all the bi solidarity in the world atm I think!! :') but yeah, said person is very cool, I promised to bring them a djungelskog when I go to America next hehe, maybe I'll make him a lil bi scarf !! that'd be cute. Anyways I've prattled on for a bit so, thank you for listening?? pff! [+5]
Current total of tickets: 35 tickets

I'd love to put all my tickets into the premade design raffle, please!

i'm super glad you enjoy these aa!! and the premades oml i had such a good time doodling them up

ty for entering + for the story oml, i'm glad they felt comfortable enough to share!! and it's always good to find good folks to chill with ofc haha!

adding your tickets in rn!!

honestly it brings me such joy, especially as it's always fun to mooch around your characters and see the new ones! and bc your art is heckin awesome (;

and aaaa yes they're adorable :sob: so glad you enjoyed drawing them!!

thank you :^) I hope you're having a lovely summer btw ee!

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ayee rad, tysm for entering!!! 

30 is correct, which raffle specifically should those go towards? i know you'd like to enter all three, but should i split them up 10 for each, or some other combo?

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sure thing, thanks again!

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oh yeah you're all good!! i saw you did enter eventually- my bad for taking so long with a response oops; i'll get to your entry asap!

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hmm, ideas 

maybe pets we have?

I love @Mao_Luna's designs :0

last week I tried to break up an argument in a chat on an online game about if bi lesbians were valid or not, I didn't want mods to close it haha

that should be all 35 tickets pfft

all in premades please!

oh sweet, ty for entering!! you did give only one suggestion for the questions, but i'll let it pass lmao

adding your tickets in rn!

oh heck lmao

I'll watch that next time


I've done all, no, wait, I'm missing one...

ari-tistic, fam, your characters are amazing! I love to see some humanoids with interesting designs and stories, it is refreshing after seeing a lot of animal characters ("The gods"´s characters are just *chef's kiss*), Your profile is extremelly pleasing to the sight, it is all super inviting!

Now, I've done it all.

I've subscribed already

Favorited the babs you requested 

Favorited these:






Ideas for quizzes:

Do quesadillas must have cheese to be named a quesadilla? or can it go without cheese

What goes first? Cereal or milk?

Favorite underrated festivity/holiday (International dinosaur day, world chocolate day, etc.)

 (f*ck this let's start a riot)

Completed the small quiz (I know you'll laugh at my answers)


I decided to come out to my parents at the end of a holiday, so in case they took it wrong or got mad I wouldn't ruin the holiday for them. Thankfully they received the notice with open arms, buuuut what really got me is that they didn't liked my gf... I mean they had a few reasons, so it made it a bit uncomfortable for her, since my dad would act neutral, but my mom would look at her like a hungry lioness, as much as I tried to whether sooth my mom or my gf it didn't really worked. We broke around a month ago, but we ended in good terms, we still talk and enjoy chatting casually, after that (since I determined my sexuality thanks to her) now I feel happy that I no longer have to be shy or be confused about who do I love and like.

And complimented the awesome Ari-tastic here!<

I beleive those are the 35 tickets, I'd like 19 to be for the YCH and 16 for themed custom raffle ^^ Tysm for the chance!

oh heck, tyvm for entering!! i love your question suggestions so much aa?? and i enjoyed reading your story as well!!!

adding your tickets in rn!

Comment/be subbed - yeep

Faved all listed + all in the folder, 12 tickets.

Then faved Ashford, Charlie, Clark, Gospel, Markus, and Nero - 4 tickets.

A future "do you own a pet" question thing might be nice, I like seeing things about pets :3 or something about space lol, i know that doesn't make shit sense :') (4 tickets?)

completed the random thing! (5 tickets)

to the person below me: your art is super pretty :3 and the little "hello darling, enjoy your stay" blurb-kinda-thing on your profile was really cute/sweet, idk why but i liked it haha <3

about the lgbtq community anecdote! i'm still struggling to figure out my gender, and i think I've got my sexuality figured out? xD anyway i have a friend, they're enby and really sweet but really darkly funny, they're one of my newest yet closest friends and they've been so supportive throughout this entire crazy journey! and all the lgbt people I've met on TH or Sylestia have also been absolutely lovely to me and it's so nice getting to know the community better. it's really welcoming <3

35 tickets i believe <3 

i'd like to stick 16 on the dnd adopt things, and 17 on the ych, tysm~

oh sweet, tysm for entering!! the split would be 17/18 actually if that's chill? i just added the extra ticket to each!

sure, tysm!

faved all plus the extra 5, i also filled out the form! for the next one you could ask about what theme they use on toyhouse maybe, or let them pick between two things (specifically referring to two art fight teams for july haha)-

i don't really?? have any stories about my experience with the lgbt community??? since i dont know many other lgbt people or interact much in those spaces, but i do have a number of friends who are! a friend and I used to go for walks and would occasionally talk about how easy it was to be closeted as long as you joked about liking the same gender a lot skdjfh

complimenting the person below me! i think faded makes some really neat designs, im especially a fan of oslo's patterning heheh

i want to split up my tickets evenly into each raffle!

aaa tysm for entering!! no worries about the story haha, all good with me!

that's the full 35 i believeeeee..? which raffle/s should the extra two tickets go to? (splitting it 11 + 11 + 11 + 2)

i'd like to put one extra into the premade and the other into the custom!

sure thing, i'll add those in asap!!


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oh yep yep, 35 is correct i believe!! tyvm for entering, i enjoyed reading your story oml, i think that realization awkwardness happens to most folk lmaoo i'd be lyin if i said it wasn't a familiar feeling pfft

adding your tickets in rn!

Done all! Posted below! just comment/be subbed !!! || (x1 ticket) - favorite Christian, Tiptoe, Bane, Orion, Skeet, and a kid from here!! || (x2 tickets each) for a total of 12 tickets (if you already have one or more of them faved lmk and you'll get the tickets anyway haha y'all best bet i'll be checkin though--) - gimme ideas for questions for future quiz/form things || (x2 tickets each) can earn two times for 4 tickets total - compliment the person below you!! (do not have to tag!) || (x4 tickets) can only earn once ((also i'm aware this one could get a little sticky considering people often comment at the same time oops skdfj)) - share an anecdote/lil story about your experience either in or with the LGBT+ community! || (x5 tickets) can only earn once

So I turned all my friends gay in one night cause all my friends came from strick Christian house holds and we’re sheltered so they had no idea the lgbtq was until me 😂 and we played truth or dare, and one thing lead to another and needless to say I had a lot of explaining to do that night to them 😂

Also questions you could ask could be “what’s your aesthetic” or DnD questions like “out of all DnD characters personality which character would you be” All for the customs please and thank you!

oh rad, tysm for entering!! which raffle/s should your tickets go towards?

The customs please!

sure thing!!

Thank you!

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Okay I love your entire th aesthetic! It’s just so pretty and organized! And you seem like an amazing person

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Oh thank you!

oh rad, tysm for entering!! that's the full 35 then, i'll add them in asap! 

thanks for sharing the lil story as well! i honestly.. cannot keep up with all that lmao, i'm glad it helped her though!!

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oh nah that's all good, your story was fine!! i mostly just meant the whole 'genderfae' thing- i don't get most of the obscure ones haha- no worries at all!

y e a h i should figure that out soon lmao- i'll probably just end up linking my bf's whole th as an option next time haha, ty for the suggestion!!!

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oooh gotcha gotcha haha- ty for educating me on that!

cracks knuckles

Okay, I'm ready!

So, I believe that should be all 35! I'd like to put 20 in for the premade characters (omg that Tiefling I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it) and 15 for the customs!!!!!
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oh man i adore the organization skdjfhk

tysm for entering!! i'm glad you like his design oml, i had a lot of fun doodling up his concept!!!
adding those all in right now, thanks again!

Did all! Pronouns poll perhaps? or maybe fav colour? (im boring.)

When I was little I used to mix berries and flowers and sometimes feathers to make "potions." Years later, I believe in witchcraft. (not exactly lgbt, but a story nonetheless) Feel free not to count this!

Dweamybean (hghhgbg sorry for tag, youre currently under me) i just gotta say your art is gorgeous <3

35 (perhaps 30)

10 to all if 30, or 10 to each + 15 to premade chars!

thanks sm for entering!! i'll count the story haha, 35 tickets it is!

adding those in rn!

Favourited all the characters and I'm subbed already! 

I also favourited 5 random characters and completed the random thingy.

To the person below me:

I wish you nothing but the best in life and hope you have a lovely day/night! I absolutely adore your characters, they are all so lovely! So have a favourite on a few of them from me. <3

— — — — — —

This should round up my ticket total to be 26 tickets, correct me if I'm wrong.

I want 15 tickets to go to the Themed Custom Raffle, 6 tickets to go to the Premade Design Raffle, and the remaining 5 tickets to go to the YCH Raffle.

ahh rad, tysm for entering!! 26 is indeed correct, i'll add those in asap!

already subbed, faved all, and did the random thing! that gives me 18 tickets

could i put 10 into the themed custom and 8 into the ych? thank you <3

sweet, tyvm for entering!! i'll add your tickets in asap!

Custom raffle masc and nb please! All tickets to the same raffle make it easy lmao 


Favorited all ya boys listed and 5 randoms!

Ask what their favorite type of oc is! Anthro feral or humanoid or favorite aesthetic

The person below me has a sick looking character that I would 10/10 smooch 

Complete ya form questions!

When I first came out as gay my dad was super okay with it but when I mentioned I was transgender he basically disowned me and oddly enough a group of trans women took me as their little trans brother and literally protected me with their lives 😂

oh yeah all the themes are included in the same raffle; i'll draw 5 winners from the custom pool, and then they get to pick in order which one they'd like!!

that'd be all 35 tickets then i believe, tysm for entering!!! i'll add those to the custom raffle right away!

- commented, already subbed

-Faved everyone in the folder and other characters 

-faved 5 more characters 

-Maybe favorite seasons or holidays for a quiz?

- completed quiz

- I found out I was Nonbinary in an very weird way I guess, just was sleep deprived and was looking on the internet, and it kinda just clicked with me


This is for the Ych raffle!

that's 30 tickets i believe, tyvm for entering!!! that's definitely an interesting anecdote haha, ty for sharing as well!

commented + subbed! (x1)

- favorited all linked! :D (they're all so gorgeous omgg) (x12)

- faved 5 random characters pogg (x4)

- completed the form ! (x5)

- maybe an idea for form/quiz things could be headcanons that people have for their own ocs/certain fandoms (if they're into them?) or even alternate designs for like,,, major/well-known/popular characters :0 (x2)

- complimenting both who are below and above me, i wish you so much luck and the absolute best!! (best i will go give a random sub to whoever above and below me too for the *support*) (x4)

in total: 27 + the possible 2 for the future form? sob

and fyi i'm entering all my tickets (if i can?) for the pre-made design raffle!! --- good luck to all ></ tysm for the opportunity too your designs r very swag :0

oh you've got 30 tickets i believe, idm counting both of the suggestions!! tysm for entering, i'll add those in asap!

(also just a small heads up because I thought I should let you know ,, I changed my user a while ago,,, but I'm crow-father-philza for the raffle enterin n stuff still :'D!!)

oh heck, ty for letting me know!! i'll definitely update that just in case then!

I'm biromantic and demisexual and had to panic for a moment on which one to click lmao

I went with bi ^^"

Uhh Ill enter for all three!

I subbed, faved all characters + 5 more and some future ideas for polls can be "What is your favorite summer past time" Orrr maybe "how many places have you traveled for vacation?" Small little anecdote: The lightbulb that went off in my head when I saw a really pretty girl and got super flushed was so stupidly bright lmao. I legitimately panicked and had no where to run off too and no where to just hide like in a bathroom to get myself to calm tf down lol (I model for my mom photography business in my spare time, she was also a model) anyhow, thats how I figured out I was a severly closeted bi and that I have a preference for gals (I had thought I was aromantic or like possibly demiromantic before lol)

25 tickets total (i think? Math may be wrong)

9 to premade designs

9 to themed custom 

7 to YCH

ahh yeah sorry about that oops- like 20 seconds after i posted the bulletin i realized i should've added in an 'idk' option skdjfh

all good though, i'll add your tickets in asap!! and your anecdote is so cute aaa

Ok ty and no worries lol.

and to add to the little anecdote, I couldn't stop thinking about her for a month or so she was so sweet and we had so much in common. Ended up meeting her again and having a super bad bi panic again and ended up not asking her out cuz I'm a whimp >~<

aww sorry to hear that-- if i had a dime though lmaoo,,

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ayee sure thing!! i'll count the suggestions as two haha, you've 35 tickets total! tysm for entering aa, i'll add your tickets in right away!!!

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22 tickets

I favorited everyone plus todd, im already subbed, i did the forum thingie, your art is amazing (the person below me)

Ty for the chance

oh sure sure! tysm for entering!! which raffle/s should your tickets go towards?

Uhhhhhh the custom and ych if thats ok!

sure thing, thanks again!!


absolutely exhausted so just gonna claim one ticket for the YCH for now!! can i edit this comment later with more tickets, once i have energy to count up which characters i have faved and stuff??

oh yeah that's definitely chill!! adding your one ticket in rn!