Guest Artist Applications are OPEN! 🦐

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by iinkt

Have you ever been a GA for a species?

4 Votes Yeah!
17 Votes Not yet!

Apply here! 

As a Guest Artist you will have the ability to create Common and Uncommon adopts for a month-long term. Each GA will also recieve one Rare MYO for their term! Hopefully we will have some more perks soon. Read more with the above link!

Side note, since we will be picking our Guest Artists for August during the first week of August, there will be slightly overlapping terms, since we will pick new GAs during the last week of August that will be active September 1st, but still want to give our August GAs a month-long term.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know! 

Also, keep your eyes peeled and notifications on for Shrimpshifter's 1 Year Anniversary Celebration! 👀


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