Halloween Hunt is Tomorrow!

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by iinkt

Are you planning to participate?

37 Votes Yes! 🦐

Hello everyone! Tomorrow is the Halloween Hunt, and so I wanted to explain how scavenger hunt events will work.

There will be 30 candies scattered around this Toyhouse World and just about anything related to Shrimpshifters (ex, mod’s shifter-related posts or characters). The candies all have a limit (except one!) of how many times they can be found. The event will end once all candies have been found their maximum amount of times, or on Oct. 31, whichever comes first.

While you will be able to collect as many Remnants and Scales as you find, there are limited numbers of MYO slots, so that as many people as possible are able to get slots. I'm waiting to see how I will cap them, but it will likely be that you can only find one higher rarity slot of each kind available (Spooky, Deep Sea, and Regular).

To claim a candy, you will click on the candy, follow the link to the google form and enter the candy’s unique code, your username, and your Treasury Account number (optional) to claim it. That way, I have a timestamp, and candies remain anonymous. The google form does not track emails, nor does it require you to sign in, so your personal information is safe, and I will not have access to it.

While your Treasury Account number is optional, you won’t be able to claim Remnants or Scales without it. If you don’t have an account yet and would like one, please go to the Account Creation thread! Please do not worry if it takes a while for your account to be made, Jay is taking a short hiatus. We will get everything sorted out :)

We will tally everything at the end of the event and distribute it to accounts for you, as well as posting a masterlist of what all was available, where it could be found, and who got what, so you can see all the available prizes! We will leave the candies up for a bit so you can see where they were (especially the rare ones).

If you have any questions, please ask below so I can make sure to clear up some things before tomorrow!


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so the candies will be like pagedolls?

Yep! They’ll be embedded into random parts of the world :)

ooo this'll be great !! im so excited

what time will this begin? (feel free to specify timezone)

I can’t give an exact time, but most likely sometime between 12 and 2 EST? Site time, around 11 and 1 ^^

I am just not sure since I don’t know how long it will take me to hide the candies tomorrow ^^;

that's alright thank you for letting me know :D

aaaaaa this looks so cool!!

Thank you!! :D


ty for setting this up!! and any other mods that may have helped :D

I hope so!! We are excited and I hope you have fun :)