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Item name: Darksight scroll Target Character: Vex Item Effect: This ragged scroll bears an incantation that gives the caster the ability to see clearly in the dark. In perfect darkness, the caster will see in shades of gray; in dim lighting, the caster will see as if it were a cloudy day. Item Price: 10 gold

Item name: handmade idol Target Character: Vex Item Effect: Gives any one character mastery of their telekinesis that allows them to carry heavy objects like weapons. Item Price: 10

Item name: Extended telekinesis Target Character: Vex Item Effect: This cryptic text guides a mage through improving their natural telekinesis, beyond even what a Handmade Idol has already taught them; using this technique, a mage can hold very heavy items, wield multiple weapons at once, manipulate complex objects midair, and improve the range of their telekinesis by twice the length of their body. Item Price: 10

Item name: Animal communication Target Character: Vex Item Effect: This weathered page opens a mage's mind to the language of beasts. Using this enchantment, a mage can make themself understood to all animals. Animals will comprehend the mage's speech and commands, and the mage will be able to intuit the feelings and intentions of animals by sight. Item Price: 10

Username: Houdinz Total: 40

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