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Item name: Summoning Circle

Target Character: Alder (future character)

Item Effect: Allows a player to create another Mage character

Item Price: 100g

Item name: Handmade idol

Target Character: Alder (future character)

Item Effect: Allows a character to carry weapons (Sword)

Item Price: 10g

Item name: Enhanced Shapeshifting 

Target Character: Alder (future character)

Item Effect: Ability to shapeshift into another form at will (Andrewsarchus)

Item Price: 30g

Item name: Extended Telekenisis

Target Character: Alder (future character)

Item Effect: A mage can hold very heavy items, wield multiple weapons at once,  manipulate complex objects midair, and improve the range of their  telekinesis by twice the length of their body.

Item Price: 10g

Username: empiredog

Total: 150g

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