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Item name: Enhanced Shapeshifting Target Character: Jezabelle Item Effect: Jezabelle is able to turn into a kind of wyvern creature, the head of a Saharan horned viper, Clawed wings like a crow that it walks and flies on. Two strong legs of a crow and a snakelike tail. It is deep black, with flashes of bright iridescence and unnatural intense colours. She has an impressive wingspan. and is rather long. (Here is a sketch I did a million years ago that will have slight cosmetic changes but the bulk is there. Its capped out at max height (20hh) ) Item Price: 30

Item name: Familiar Scroll Target Character: Jezabelle Item Effect: Jezabelle is able to summon a crow, slightly larger than your average crow. Instead of an avian head, it has three coiling snakes for a head. ( Item Price: 10

Item name: Extended Telekenesis Scroll Target Character: Jezabelle Item Effect: (As the scroll describes) Item Price: 10



Item name: Minor healing scroll Target Character: Ramman Item Effect: Ramman can feel the pulses and surges of electrochemistry within himself, within others. He is able to coax healing powers to accelerate slightly - with great concentration, is able to stop severe bleeding and potentially even save another. Item Price: 10 Gold

Item name: Mending Scroll Target Character: Ramman Item Effect: He is no fool, living independently, caring for the hut, his farm and land, Ramman has developed a greater material awareness and can thrift and repair up most things. It doesn't take him long to figure something out. Item Price: 10 Gold

Item name: Familiar Scroll Target Character: Ramman Item Effect: Ramman's familiar is a Storm Bird, or Pacific Koel. Its feathers are slightly more iridescent than usual and sometimes glint and shimmer, sometimes like lightning. Item Price: 10

Item name: Extended Telekenesis Scroll Target Character: Ramman Item Effect: (As the scroll describes) Item Price: 10

Username: Kytte Total: 90 Gold

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