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Item name: stat token (x2) Target Character: Aihonistra Item effect: +2 power, as Aihonistra has been practicing very intently on strenghtening her ability to take in and project spirits, making them slightly better able to affect the world and allowing her to store more. Item price: 50 (x2)=100

Item Name: Holy Water Target Character: Aihonistra Item Effect: Ignore Cost for 1 attack. Determined to cut her mage teeth on what's left of Alleister, she pushes through her limitations. Item price: 10 gold

Item Name: Exploding Flask Target Character: Aihonistra Item Effect: +2 damage to 1 attack- she is determined to get in on the action despite being a weaker mage! Item Cost: 10 gold

Username: AbigailBozarthArt Total: 120 gold

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