Comments on Permanently Leaving Pouflons All Comments

I'm so sorry for what you went through, I hope you find peace in the future! I wish I had what you were looking for for the pouflon, they're a really lovely design but I totally understand not wanting to keep something with bad memories attached to them. Wishing you all the best! <3

Thank you! Yeah, I'm just trying to purge any of the characters I am not super attached to from the species. The less ties I have to it, the better. The ones I truly love I can rework at a later time into something I will enjoy more. It's just a shame things had to happen this way. There were many better ways for the situation to have been handled.

Completely understandable! If you ever accept anything else for them than what's listed on their profile feel free to let me know, I wouldn't mind trying to offer haha. I am so sorry things were handled so poorly! That's truly such a bummer and I really hope you're able to rework the remaining characters into something you're happier with that bring you joy!! <3