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Item name: animal communication scroll
Target Character:
Item Effect: can understand animals better and make herself be understood easier - no vocal communication though, only signs and intention i guess
Item Price: 10g

Item name: extended telekinesis scroll
Target Character: Rohzenn
Item Effect: can throw many daggers @ \you
Item Price: 10g

Item name: darksight scroll
Target Character: Rohzenn
Item Effect: see in the dark
Item Price: 10g

Item name: enhanced familiar
Target Character: Rohzenn
Item Effect: Rohzenn's panther can share her magic abilities
Item Price: 30g

Item name: mending scroll
Target Character: Rohzenn
Item Effect: can fix objects real quick
Item Price: 10g

Item name: handmade idol
Target Character: Alektô
Item Effect: make these stupid arms useful for once (can lift objects)
Item Price: 10g

Item name: elemental blast scroll
Target Character: Alektô
Item Effect: (pink) fire blast
Item Price: 10g

Item name: imbue magic amulet
Target Character: Alektô
Item Effect: able to make and sell potions that give a small temporary boost to someone's abilities (just for rp and flavor)
Item Price: 30g

Item name: familiar scroll
Target Character: Astrid
Item Effect: can summon a familiar - a hyena
Item Price: 10g

Item name: 2 stats token
Target Character: Astrid
Item Effect: +2 power : she can bend a medium size pool of blood (instead of small). She can sense someone's presence in a 15meters radius if they have blood (instead of 12).
Item Price: 100g

Username: mydajk
Total: 230g

That was a big shopping list uh Thank youuuu

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