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Yes—I wasn't sure if I needed to type it all out lol

+5 Discipline
1. +Astral Projection (The STARSONG aspect can now astrally transpose their soul outside their body and travel freely through space at a maximum speed equal to running for up to 1 hour. While astrally projecting, irionai can see and hear only, and receives no sensory input at all from their body. If they have not returned to their body after an hour's time, they will be instantly brought back to their body.)
2. +Astrokinesis (The STARSONG aspect can now form objects out of astrophysical material. They currently able to form a single sword, which burns with the light of a star, and is able to cut through most physical material. They can do this once a day for up to 1 minute, after which the sword dissolves into nothing.)
3. +Foresight (The sight granted by the STARSONG aspect can now glimpse the future. irionai is able to, at will, see ghostly, projected images of where things will be 1 second into the future.)
4. +modulate voice for Telepathy (irionai can now control how their "voice" sounds in another's mind. It can sound like the other's own thoughts, or a distinct voice that sounds neither masculine, nor feminine. The overlapping tones can also be present or absent.)
5. +psychic scream for Telepathy (STARSONG can now project a disorienting scream into the mind of another, resulting in it being difficult for the target to focus on what they're doing. The star mage can continue to scream for up to 1 minute, after which they must rest before doing so again. This is considered an active ability for the purpose of Cost.)

+5 Power
1. +10 miles range for Remote Viewing (new total: 20 miles)
2. +level of detail for Truesight (new level: only fine details blurred)
3. +mind able to project into simultaneously x2 for Telepathy (new total: 2 minds)
4. +1 objects formable simultaneously for Astrokinesis (new total: 2 objects)
5. +1 second into future viewable for Foresight (new total: 2 seconds)

Thank you! All of these sound good, except the Astrokinesis one--that kind of sounds like a wholly different kind of magic, summoning tangible objects when all other abilities focus on projection/sight. Especially with the ability to 'cut through most physical materials'.

It's totally possible to have their magic grow towards that kind of ability, but I think irionai would need more discipline, and grow it in more steps than one (for example start with summoning an item visually, next step could be that it may interact with the world, and as a final step, be used for offense/destructive actions). Does that make sense?

Character are totally allowed to have wide-ranging magics, but their abilites need to be grown gradually and logically, with the appropriate amount of stats to back them up!

hm, yeah, no--i see what you're saying. i had it justified in my head as being picked up in my last story prompt response, but i agree that it goes outside the scope of all of irionai's other abilities.

here's a revision:

+5 Discipline
1. +Astral Projection (The STARSONG aspect can now astrally transpose their soul outside their body and travel freely through space at a maximum speed equal to running for up to 1 hour. While astrally projecting, irionai can see and hear only, and receives no sensory input at all from their body. If they have not returned to their body after an hour's time, they will be instantly brought back to their body.)
2. +Foresight (The sight granted by the STARSONG aspect can now glimpse the future. irionai is able to, at will, see ghostly, projected images of where things will be 1 second into the future.)
3. +life homing for Truesight (irionai is now able to more easily seek out living things while remote viewing. Through concentration, they can get a sense of the direction and closeness of living beings within range of their sight.)
4. +modulate voice for Telepathy (irionai can now control how their "voice" sounds in another's mind. It can sound like the other's own thoughts, or a distinct voice that sounds neither masculine, nor feminine. The overlapping tones can also be present or absent.)
5. +psychic scream for Telepathy (STARSONG can now project a disorienting scream into the mind of another, resulting in it being difficult for the target to focus on what they're doing. The star mage can continue to scream for up to 1 minute, after which they must rest before doing so again. This is considered an active ability for the purpose of Costs.)

+5 Power
1. +10 miles range for Remote Viewing (new total: 20 miles)
2. +level of detail for Truesight (new level: only fine details blurred)
3. +mind able to project into simultaneously x2 for Telepathy (new total: 2 minds)
4. +1 second into future viewable for Foresight (new total: 2 seconds)
5. +1 second into future viewable for Foresight (new total: 3 seconds)

Awesome, thank you! This feels more in line with irionai's magic :)

Purchase confirmed! Please update your character's log with this comment as proof.

thank you, Apel <3