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Neato!! You're super good at giving characters backstories :0 Do you have any tips on it? You seem to have a lot of cool ideas >3<

Also: How did they establish healing magic in their world? How did they fake their own death?? Did their personality change after they lost their magic??! GAH I have so many questions!!!

Backstories are more fun to make when they're silly, honestly,,,I try not to make any of my characters too serious

(Actually i've had Laharr's backstory for a while now i just never actually designed them,,,,)

Gosh uh,,, really mainly through study of anatomy & establishing a standardized runing system so they could pass on what they knew to others fairly easily(& thus just put more people out into the world who could mess around with peoples' internal bits without horribly disfiguring them/leaving them worse off than just naturally healing would have).  Healing is tricky stuff :O

I'm picturing them setting off some kind of explosion in their lab & then just fleeing the country & leting people assume their body got completely destroyed?  And they def got hella depressed at first.  About their whole life's work being completely inaccessible to them now & leaving all of their friends behind & junk but a few hundred years later they're super chill in general, especially compared to their workaholic days (they learned how to do stuff like, card tricks & juggling & making doves appear out of thin air, just the not-actually-magic kind of magic) (Also i think they might be a thief who only hits up places w/ over-the-top fancy magic locks just for the challenge of it) (IF THEY CAN'T RELY ON MAGIC ANYMORE NOBODY ELSE GETS TO FEEL SECURE EITHER THEY'RE NOT ACTUALLY CHILL AT ALL)

PLS TELL ME ABOUT AMORA I FORGOT TO ASK ABOUT HIM,,,  Do you have any more on his backstory/personality???  Are u even gonna keep my lil snippet cuz u dont gotta 

Neato!! He sounds petty af lol Does he have any friends? Also:does he have a specific universe he lives in? Like, one with other characters, kinda like a story if that makes sense??? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, you've got me hooked on this character lol

Dude, I am /definitely/ keeping the lil snippet lol it's too perfect to get rid of!

He's the middle child of five brothers, and he is very unhappy about it. In order to get others attention, he wears flashy clothes and acts like the most OBNOXIOUS person you'd ever meet in your entire life. He's hella dramatic too, and isn't afraid to make an entrance. Surprisingly, when he's alone, you won't hear a peep out of him. After a while, you'd forget he was ever even there in the first place. Of course, you'd remember after he slips slugs into your shoes because how dare you forget about him he's the greatest thing since sliced bred and you'd better not forget that!! In his spare time he feeds some ducks in a pond nearby. He doesn't know jack about math and doesn't care enough to learn. Books, on the other hand, are a completely different story (heheh). He loves to write them and is a great storyteller! He has a secret soft-spot for lizards and will FIGHT YOU for them. His greatest wish is to meet a dragon. Amora is deathly afraid of spiders because of an event that involves a shoe, a cat, and a cheese cake. His greatest fear, though, is for someone to be apathetic towards him (and being abandoned but ssshhhh)


Yee Laharr has friends.  They travel around & make friends wherever they go(mostly superficial but sssh).  Nix is the only one of note that knew them pre-'death'.  Maurice & Michael are CRIME PALS.  Also Lilypad is a buddy.  P much all of my characters live in the same universe but i don't really have an actual story worked out,,,,,,,,,,,,

oh god.....i haven't seen anything worse than slug shoes in a while Amora why are you LIKE this.  what kind of time-period/setting does he live in??

OOO, Nix's design is pretty neat! :D How did they know each other? Also, Michael's quote thing at the top of his page is the best lol Why did the baby get abandoned??? AND do you think Laharr would be the type to paint his nails? :O and if so, what color???

I'm not /quite/ sure yet, but i'm thinking old timey-ish mixed with modern, if that makes sense??? Like, like a fantasy lookin world >3<

They founded a city together!!  (& why does anybody abandon a baby, really)  I think Laharr would def paint their nails....maybe red or seafoam green.

ooh ye that makes sense.  I like that kind of setting for my characters too lol.  Does Amora have connections to any of your other characters???

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