What did you draw today?

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago by Elllllie

Hello! I come from another site that is much more in-depth with their forums. One area they have that I wish they had here is an art chatter section, not for selling but for general art-related conversation. My favorite thread in there was the "what did you draw today" thread. It was fun seeing other people's daily drawings and a fun way to try and motivate myself to draw at least something every day. On Toyhouse, while it's art based, sometimes you might want to draw something other than an OC you have on site but still post it somewhere. Sometimes you want to share that silly scribbly thing you spent 4 hours on but not on DA or Instagram (or whatver you post on). So yeah, here's a place to drop your daily doodles!

-Art doesn't have to be fully finished. WIPs and sketches are totally cool to share!

-There doesn't need to be conversation if people don't want it. Feel free to just post your art of the day and run. Conversely, if you want to chatter it's more than welcome, especially if you want to discuss anything relevant to the drawing process :)

I'll make this into post pretty someday


lineart more like nah
caseys from yesterday but whatcha gonna do



been working on some much overdue giveaway art from my spyro blog and i'm mad i didn't start it sooner i'm super happy w/ it so far god
i forgot to colour his tail tip but it's almost 1am i am done for tonight rip


AlleycatIrony I love how clean and crisps the lines on your dragon look. o.o 


This One demanded more headcanon sketches. I'm a big fan of the "eyes are a window to the soul" and "humanity is infectious" tropes, wanted to draw some physical changes that might come about if This One were to come in extended contact with the memorabilia and living loved ones of one of its lives.


My Pokemon Trainer's In game sprite! 



Drew some more of Blitzen and Gala. They're expecting a calf!


got them creative juices flowin!!!!!! another myo ~

          Continuing from the sketch two pages ago... took really long cuz normally I hate frontal view with passion. Not just painting but drawing, too.D31p9q2VUAADJoH.jpg


I did an icon commission for @Leviticus!

Just a tiny thumbnail here :P




For some reason, both the psd. and png. file kept crashing and lagging my art program... Nothing else I'm working on did that. I would only start having problems when I switched over to this drawing

Ryn Aarix

getting back 2 my roots: drawing ANNYOING dudes in weird lighting13251665_cVjXySQQm2po6fF.jpg

sometimes i hate him


Chibies of best married couple XD my ocs
