Word(s) you have problems pronouncing/spelling?

Posted 5 years, 18 days ago (Edited 5 years, 18 days ago) by mothgf

Thought this would be a interesting thread to make, see what others have troubles with.
I know I can't be the only one who has problems with pronouncing/spelling certain things, or the only one who thinks it'd be interesting to learn what other people have problems with.

For me, on the pronouncing end of things, I cannot pronounce wolf. It always comes out as "woof".
As far as spelling, though, I struggle to spell definitely without use of a spellchecker. More often than not, I just type out "def".

Keep in mind it's nothing to be ashamed about if you have problems pronouncing/spelling something. You can overcome it, I believe in you!


I ALWAYS forget how to spell "manoeuvre", no matter how many times I use it ><


;; genuinely can't say "insects" properly. without the s? sure, insect. with it? i. im sorry i suddenly forgot how to speak

or uhhhh i avoid words with a th in them sometimes because words like "brother" come out as "bruver" with my lisp

(i've also mixed up so many words before on accident - last night i typed "Evacuation in Progress" instead of "Excavation in Progress")

edit: yet im a fool who can type long words like pulchritudinous without thinking but you want normal words?? you want me to spell ingredients???? one time i kept spelling it like ingredience and was so lost on why it was underlined in red)


My x’s come out like t’s or more like tsss So Mexican comes out as Metsycan. Specific is Pacific. Axe is Ask. Library is Libary. Calculator is Cackalater. A lotta or’s become er’s when i say them.

There are so many more though. I forget them all.


the one i can find in my head right away is February because for SO long i didnt know it has an r in the front ( i used to spell and pronounce it like febuary )


i cannot say jewelry at all.  I just.. can't. I can say jewel. But not jewelry.


It took me years to be able to correctly pronounce specific!

It kept coming out as 'pa-pific' and it made me so embarrassed to the point where I would avoid saying it in conversation.


I can't say Literally, or it will come out as , LIT LITERARY. There is a 02/100 percent chance I will say Literally correctly. I also cant pronounce the name Zacharia,  Good thing is that he has the nickname Zach.

The word Answer is also a little meanie, I often type "anser" or "awncer".


I’m really bad at spelling aesthetic, and that’s the tea 


photography, steak, specific, restaurant, bolognese, 

ironically, i have specific language disorder, have done a photography course (as part of my creative & media course), enjoy well done steak, and have worked in a restaurant before, and i really enjoy spag bol. 

so naturally i flub all of these words a lot, i guess.


i can’t fucking spell “exercise” ever, takes me so many attempts. also today it took me like 6 attempts to spell “drums” for some reason.