Word(s) you have problems pronouncing/spelling?

Posted 5 years, 19 days ago (Edited 5 years, 19 days ago) by mothgf

Thought this would be a interesting thread to make, see what others have troubles with.
I know I can't be the only one who has problems with pronouncing/spelling certain things, or the only one who thinks it'd be interesting to learn what other people have problems with.

For me, on the pronouncing end of things, I cannot pronounce wolf. It always comes out as "woof".
As far as spelling, though, I struggle to spell definitely without use of a spellchecker. More often than not, I just type out "def".

Keep in mind it's nothing to be ashamed about if you have problems pronouncing/spelling something. You can overcome it, I believe in you!


I always forget how to spell environment, solider, and uh...Christain. A word I have trouble pronouncing is.....Neopolitan, it always comes out "neo-politician" 


i can't pronounce words that have a hard 'J' sound - like i pronounce majority like 'mayority'

i also can't spell a lot of big words w/ lots of unnecessarily letters or not enough letters or the wrong letters bc i tend to spell them quite literally/how they sound
two that come to mind is jewelry and acquaintance
i used to be one of the best in my class w/ spelling in school but now i can't spell like 50% of words it's weird


I also have trouble spelling definitely sometimes.
Sometimes I can't say specific.

There's probably more but I can't think of any. I do end up messing words up a lot. Especially reading out loud though


I have a hard time pronouncing words with r's, since i had to take speech lessons when i was really young for those sounds and it still gets me.

i cant spell tomorrow (?) often. I always put two m's. 


omg ^ i have the same problem with necessary/necessarily AND DUDE I JUST SPELLED IT RIGHT this one time. lmfAO

editing to add more.... i also have an issue with 'occasion' despite trying to remember "there's no ass in an occasion" (and this one i misspelled both times, ugh)

also this thread has made me become hyper-aware of all the things y'all have troubles with and now im doubting myself in having troubles with them as well dghhdgjg 😂😂😂😂


separately and desperately e _ e i always forget which one has "para" and which has "pera" 

i hate it   


^ I've always had spelled it as resterant until I make myself pronounce it as reSTAUrant when I write it out XD 

Nah but I get made fun of this by my friend all the time but I pronounce sandwich as sANGwich XD I don't know why either it's been like this all the time lolol


Necessary, necessity, and necessarily are all words I just can't figure out, and to think I got put in AP English...


My native language isn't English so most words sound weird anyways coming out of me

But I seriously cannot for the life of me pronounce pomegranate. I tried several times and I genuinely can't. It comes out as poume-grenade.


Definitely is a word that if I need to use it in fics I have to get someone to spell it for me because I can never remember the correct spelling and I tend to shorten it to def. Idk I simply don’t recognise what the word’s supposed to look like and autocorrect/spell checker often changes it to defiantly. 

There’s a few others I have trouble with but I can’t give examples because I can’t remember how to spell them and spell checker isn’t picking up the words I want. :’)

For peonounciation I’m finding Tagalog a really tricky language. I’m trying to pick up some Tagalog this work rotation and I have a lot of trouble pronouncing the words. I have to get my Filipino friends to say the word slowly several times even then it’s still hard to pick up the correct pronounciation.