Word(s) you have problems pronouncing/spelling?

Posted 5 years, 18 days ago (Edited 5 years, 18 days ago) by mothgf

Thought this would be a interesting thread to make, see what others have troubles with.
I know I can't be the only one who has problems with pronouncing/spelling certain things, or the only one who thinks it'd be interesting to learn what other people have problems with.

For me, on the pronouncing end of things, I cannot pronounce wolf. It always comes out as "woof".
As far as spelling, though, I struggle to spell definitely without use of a spellchecker. More often than not, I just type out "def".

Keep in mind it's nothing to be ashamed about if you have problems pronouncing/spelling something. You can overcome it, I believe in you!


Mischievous. I never spell it right on the first try


Definitely the word definitely (yo whoa I actually spelled it right twice in a row?! aksjgjgd).

Also the word beggining. I'll never be able to figure out how many "n"s and how many "g"s to add ;-;


I can’t pronounce museum I say “mew-sam”


I can’t spell (un)necessary for the life of me and spell checker/auto correct never picks up anything close to what I’m aiming for so I end up finding ways to omit the word entirely.

Heck I had to copy & paste the spelling from a previous comment on this thread to make this one. :’D



most people pronounce it massochist, but i pronounce it mazochist 

when i say horror it just sounds like whore so i have to weirdly emphasize it

i also can’t say rural properly no matter how hard i try


belive and definatley

i mean, believe* and definitely* 

I always spell them wrong for some reason.


fascination used to be super hard for me to write because I kept adding a random h there? Like "faschination" but I have finally started learning out of it.


necessary and disease. i had to use spellcheck/corrections while writing this actually sdfgnm


focashia and restarant focaccia and restaurant

i don't know what i (and all of us) would do if spellcheck wasn't a thing

i also can't pronounce hydragendia hydrangea (or spell it) i pronounce it like "hydrogendia"


I used to have trouble pronouncing UTAU, but I've got the hang of it now.

Definitley is one of those that I always forget how to spell haha


I have trouble writing the words business and surprise correctly.

As a little kid i used to think quesadilla was pronounced quiz-a-leet-ah, it took a long time to correct that bc i was stubborn abt it lol