Word(s) you have problems pronouncing/spelling?

Posted 5 years, 18 days ago (Edited 5 years, 18 days ago) by mothgf

Thought this would be a interesting thread to make, see what others have troubles with.
I know I can't be the only one who has problems with pronouncing/spelling certain things, or the only one who thinks it'd be interesting to learn what other people have problems with.

For me, on the pronouncing end of things, I cannot pronounce wolf. It always comes out as "woof".
As far as spelling, though, I struggle to spell definitely without use of a spellchecker. More often than not, I just type out "def".

Keep in mind it's nothing to be ashamed about if you have problems pronouncing/spelling something. You can overcome it, I believe in you!


"Necessary" is always something that trips me. I confuse the c and the ss places, and I always assume it's "Nessecary" or something.


I seem to have a problem with pronouncing things; I'm generally good enough at spelling but actually speaking the things I'm spelling is another matter. XD

I can't pronounce words like 'poll', 'doll' and 'toll'. I'm just not sure how. Like... is it supposed to be a short 'o' sound or is it pronounced more like 'pole'... because I've heard both of those used by different people.

I also have no idea how to pronounce 'platonic' for some reason. 'Plat-OWN-ic' or 'Plat-OHN-ic' or... something else...?

I'm much better at writing than talking. XD


I can't pronounce "Animal" correctly. The worst part is that I've been told that I say it wrong, but can't hear it myself say it wrong (even if someone says it aloud for me to copy). Doomed to say it wrong forever I guess.

I also occasionally whistle while talking when I'm saying words with 'th' and 'sh' sounds. Now that I'm an adult, it doesn't happen as often as it did as a kid. It was pretty bad when I was young.


I’m having trouble pronouncing Tscüss (bye in German) at the moment. 

I’ve been told I’m very close to cracking the pronounciation but still haven’t quiet got it. 

I keep pronouncing it as choo-es.


i've discovered i can't spell the name isaiah w/o looking at my bf's character w/ the same name - which sucks when i'm writing profiles and talking abt him in them :'/


Necessary and restaraunt...


the b in subtle makes me die every single time


I speak fast and shudder when I'm nervous so I mess up words a lot. Like that one person, I pronounce February as Febuary but I never noticed until that moment. 

Words I mess up the spelling for a lot include Ladder ("Latter". Thanks, Minecraft, for making me realize this with how often I make ladders), restaurant ("resteraunt"), aesthetic ("aestheic"), and tomorrow (usually "tommarow").


I have never been able to spell the word deseise 


I have never been able to spell the word deseise 


i can't say ask or most words with a sk sound in them


As far as spelling goes, necessary and embarrassing are ones that I tend to get wrong most of the time. Also, I can never seem to spell Massachusetts right on the first attempt. 


For spelling. I can never spell tomorrow. i always wanna add another "m"!. For words. I've always struggled with words that start with "r", since i was unable to say them as a kid. one example is the word "rural." I can say that for the life of me.