Funny Moments you had because of autocorrect

Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Edited 4 years, 7 months ago) by Skykristal

Do you even use autocorrect?

13 Votes Nah
4 Votes Only at times I really need it
20 Votes Yep

This is mostly dedicated to mobile users. 

This is not a TH only thing,  situations from anywhere!

Go and share some funny things that you remember. I do typos A LOT because of the autocorrect and definitely had some embarrassing situations because of it. The things I can remember are when I wanted to sent back a message to friends and family and it automatically wrote pretty sexual things for no reason . Sadly I don't remember the exact words ahhhah .. but it was pretty bad( still kinda funny) . Most of the time I noticed it before sending the message luckily.


Quiet often I find myself fighting with autocorrect, it'll eventually let me write the correct word I want but autocorrects it right as I hit send. 

A recent example of that was on Discord when my phone kept autocorrecting a word to the incorrect spelling (that it only picked up because I typo'd the word a few times by mistake). I ended up re-posting that word to the correct spelling 3 times, fighting with autocorrect all the while (took 9 attempts of writing it out) before giving up. The annoying thing was it was just one letter that was wrong and I'd deleted what I'd written before I finished the word when I realized I'd typo'd again.

I have a German keyboard on my phone for language learning. Autocorrect sometimes changes failed attempts to English spellings - sometimes it gets the right German word, other times it's way off and I don't even know what the German word autocorrect picked as a replacement means and it sends before I can catch it. 


My phone refuses to let me type my brother's name without it autocorrecting. It's a common name too with traditional spelling so I don't understand why it insists on 'fixing' it. It's lead to a lot of weird misunderstandings. Especially when my friend group is meeting up.


One time it changed "non-mammalian" to "non-alcoholic" when I was talking about a character's boobs


My best friend had a lot of weird moments because of autocorrecting about a year back. The one that refuses to leave me is the one time when we were roleplaying (as we did all the time back then), he tried to type "[character name] lands on the ground" and "ground" decided to autocorrect to "groin". Like, what- How and why did that happen? It makes me chuckle a bit when it randomly decides to come back to mind, though.


camel porn

im not giving context


Robbie Retail (replaced Reyes with Retail, I've since trained it a little better)
If I think of more I might post again. :D 


Auto correct won't let me cuss. Ever. I have to manually correct from duck every single time. So I've started saying duck Irl as a joke too.

It also "corrects" both me and my brothers names to different words all the time.


Yesterday when I evolved my starter Pokémon into typhlosion in crystal it autocorrected on my phone to tax bills 🚶‍♀️
I was like “omg I just got a tax bills!”



i tried to sing criminal by britney spears and it autocorrected lover to liver so now me and my best friend make fun of ‘liver guy’ and have for about a year now


Having a conversation about next years protocols for school housing with my boss… phone autocorrects “maybe” to “master” so instead of saying “yeah maybe” I said “yeah master”

Needless to say I apologized and then died inside for like 3 days afterwards lol