Artist pet peeves master thread

Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Edited 3 years, 8 months ago) by Petalofdreams

Hello friends!

I thought it'd be fun to create a thread so people can share stories  of their artist pet peeves. What do you hate about the community? what  do you hate about some people in the community? Is there something you absolutely hate but was never really able to say it out loud? Your chance is now! 

Personally i really dislike it when people gatekeep stuff. Art is for  everyone and should be for everyone. If you want to draw something then  go for it unless it's outright hateful.  You don't have to have amazing  skills to do art. You don't have to be a certain way. You're an artist  alright? alright.

2021 edit: Thank you all for being respectful of each other! Its great seeing the differentiation of opinions and have an open minded discussion about it. Thats what i wanted. So thank you!


Drawing > Painting

Painting is a peeve of mine. Those who can do it, props to you because that shit hard. It’s very pretty to see, but it is not something I can currently do without the colors leaking, being smudged, and overall looking like a blob. 


Admittedly a nitpick but when westerners/people in regions that don't publish right to left make their comics right to left. Idk it feels "weeby"/like they're only doing it because they want to look like Manga & nothing else half the time. 

There's plenty of ways to publish and 'justify' reading orientations (eg, formatting comics to work better vertically, or using horizontal printing to make larger spreads) but right to left outside of regions that publish that way rarely feels that way. On top of that, if its only being published in the west for western audiences, it could alienate new readers or make it harder to find a press that'll print that way if they want to publish (even people considered "Western Mangakas" publish works left to right bc of this)


i get that social media sucks and having your art completely ignored hurts, but some artists act so entintled when they talk about it. you're not gonna die if you don't get likes and retweets, just move on bro.


On the topic of painting, I find it very difficult too and painting is actually my main focus I practice since years now. (I find is more difficult with skin, and surfaces which have close to no texture. Scales , fur , hair, sand, wood and other texture heavy surfaces are easier for me) 

One thing I'd also still love to learn is how to make airbrush shading look flawless and super smooth. Airbrush shading is very hated and I feel like it's because in 9 cases out of 10 its simply not executed well enough and rather smudged and unevenly placed. Doing soft shading perfectly is a challenge.  Mad respect to those who can shade like a boss with this technique, make thier art seem 3D with it and more. Currently I can't wrap my head around it but I hope one day I will. 


I have no idea what the weight/brand/term for this specific type of paper is.

This one smooth, thin, slightly bumpy type of watercolor paper I see all the time in art classrooms. It usually comes in large rolls and it's the worst thing to paint on. Its not absorbant leading to beading & patchy paint jobs + compared to other brands it buckles way more. I can let it slide for classrooms though because it's probably cheap. But I'd rather shell out for better paper


Saving a FireAlpaca drawing and then forgetting that it has a transparent background and I forgot to fill in the whites, so now it's just see through everywhere there should be white


there's an artist i like but they only accept commissions if the commission also involves their character. like, its their business, but id like to commission them without the inclusion of their oc that i know nothing about? lol


furry artists who draw everything like a dog. horse? dog. deer? dog. lizard? nonono dog.

using references isnt just for human artists!!


^ I just stumbled across a drawing of a tiger character and it just looked like a wolf with stripes (and the nose was species-accurate). And yes that was an actual tiger , not a canine hybrid. 

Im definitely guilty of this myself but try to avoid it at all costs since a few years now, I started caring about it more. Before that I just didn't care about proportions  I think and I feel like it was also because people often made me aware of it but I personally didn't even realised it looks that "same face dog"- like.  But yea.. it's such a pet peeve of mine as well. I mainly hear "but it's my style" then but honestly, you can draw a species more like the species in any style. I feel like it's just not something people wanna care about or change when they say that.


The drawing everything like a generic dog even applies to other breeds, for example a Tibetan Mastiff drawn as a wolf with different markings (and it isn’t a wolfdog, just a plain other breed that shouldn’t even resemble a wolf) or a Dalmatian that simply looks like a husky with spots.


Artists who change their username (and technically brand name) more often than they change their underwear. And I don't mean when they change their Twitter display name like "Happy New Year", "Lonely Thot" and that kinda periodic stuff, rather changing the whole @ and signature. I get some artists (especially young) can have identity crisis often, but damn is it annoying when I try to locate them and I can't seem to.