Artist pet peeves master thread

Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by Petalofdreams

Hello friends!

I thought it'd be fun to create a thread so people can share stories  of their artist pet peeves. What do you hate about the community? what  do you hate about some people in the community? Is there something you absolutely hate but was never really able to say it out loud? Your chance is now! 

Personally i really dislike it when people gatekeep stuff. Art is for  everyone and should be for everyone. If you want to draw something then  go for it unless it's outright hateful.  You don't have to have amazing  skills to do art. You don't have to be a certain way. You're an artist  alright? alright.

2021 edit: Thank you all for being respectful of each other! Its great seeing the differentiation of opinions and have an open minded discussion about it. Thats what i wanted. So thank you!


-Ok said this on other 'peeves' boards (and it's been said a lot here) but stuff like "Do not steal my style or colors" or "don't take inspiration." Especially if it's from an older, popular artist because then people will rush in to defend them 

     -adding on but people trying to defend "cOLoR thEFT is REAL" by saying it's possible to copyright a color... even though the people copyrighting colors are either large corporations,        or people not well liked in the art world (yunno, like the 'vantablack' guy). idk it rubs me the wrong way

-Anyone who tries to bring up the "traditional is better than digital" or "digital is better than traditional" arguments like neither medium is superior it's all in how you use it

-The fact "Draw/practice every day" is one of the most popular pieces of 'advice' to give to beginner artists looking to improve. It doesn't accommodate for burnout & art block + it's not healthy to do non-stop art

-'fixing' other people's art. imo, it's rude and most of the time comes off as insensitive and offensive (looking at Tumblr & Twitter). If you're still gonna do it, at least say it's an AU, or your interpretation not that it's 'fixed'/'better now that I designed it'


cringe/bad art blogs tick me off to no end!



it's COMPLETELY criminal how little money people are drawing artwork for!! i understand having little confidence in your work but please try to value yourself more, this is exploitation of labour by people who don't care about your time and effort, or they'd properly compensate you!!!


"I'll pay you... with exposure"


purple overlay layers to adjust the color palette. overlay layers wreck your values and wash out your whole drawing, just use the color balance sliders and tone curve- they offer a LOT more freedom to adjust the palette once you get the hang of them.


any "don't draw like this, draw like THIS!" tutorials or "tips". i'm not talking serious issues like slimming down fat characters, whitewashing, or racial caricature, i mean "don't draw eyes like this because it looks weird" or "don't use that particular technique for hair because it looks bad". every "bad" art technique has its uses, any "beginner mistake" can actually be a useful tool for stylization in the future, and everyone approaches stylization differently.

tutorials like "how to draw hands" also often only teach people how to draw them in a certain way particular to one type of look. there are a million different ways to draw hands, and i think tutorials can be a good jumping off point for things like hands or feet or legs or muscles or whatever else, but leaning on them can lead to your art just looking frankenstiened from other people's. rely on your own sensibilities and you will come up with a sense of style that is unique to you and makes you happy. that's what's actually important!

another thing about art tutorials: "women are triangles, men are squares" type stuff. it's SO restrictive and honestly just a terrible philosophy from character design, feminist, and realistic angles, just to name a few. people come in so many different shapes. let yourself experiment. your art can become stale, formulaic, or even just socially unacceptable if you rely on tropes like these - it isn't your destiny or anything, but it's a real possibility and also just makes me sad.


As someone who does not draw but vastly prefers commissioning:

When you commission an artist you follow and eventually you see them on DA statuses or on Twitter going "I'm SO ready to be done with these commissions, I'm dying, everything is hell, and I'm going to take a LONG hiatus after this, these commissions are preventing me from doing personal art, I hate this." And I, as one of those commissioners, am just going 😬😬😬

I understand work-related stress but please at least pretend to be professional on a platform that most of your commissioners find you on. This is why I only sumbit 25% of the commission forms I fill out. Even when I'm paying a lot of money, it's hard to not feel like a burden when I see you putting these kinds of statuses in my feed. If you need to vent, keep it in the DMs between you and your friends.


The fact people think "inspired" means "completely copying" now.

I think that's what most people mean by inspired but if it isn't and you genuinely have a problem with people being inspired by you, then I wanna know what your problem is here because that isn't stealing and you probably got inspired by something so you shouldn't go out of your way to attack people or start a witchhunt over people who got inspired by your work, consciously or unconsciously. (God knows that my entire style is full of unconscious inspiration and I still don't know where half of my style came from...)

This stupid thing makes me scared that I will get attacked for taking inspiration from something and all I did was take a simple idea and made my own spin on it. (not copying. and by simple idea, i don't mean entire characters or pieces. but like small things from them and then applying it to my own work or something. not sure how to put it) Or I might accidentally take unconscious inspiration again and then get attacked for that. It makes me feel bad for looking up to people because they have a similar style to me since I don't see people with a similar style to me because they plastered "do not take inspiration" everywhere.