2021 Finding Friends Master Thread

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Edited 2 years, 8 months ago) by salida

Lately there's been a lot of people posting separate "looking for friends" threads. It'd be a lot better and easier imo to have one people can post in and look through instead of having everyone making new ones, so here it is :)

Introduce yourself! What are your hobbies? Passions? Fun facts? Social media and contact info? Share whatever you'd like and maybe you'll find some nice people to strike a conversation with! 

My name is Matt (he/him), i'm 22 years old and art takes up like 80% of my brain capacity, mostly because i'm trying to get into illustration or storyboarding as a career :P Most of what i like to draw is my ocs doing silly things and being friends. my three favorite games are: mother 3, fire emblem echoes, and pmd explorers of time but i also enjoy stardew valley and minecraft. I'm also really fond of bugs (especially moths and tarantulas) and the color blue. I spend most of my time watching youtube, listening to music, drawing, and cycling between the same few games lol.

my discord tag is august#8149. please message me here before adding me! i'd rather not talk to anyone under 18 tho...


Hi there! I'm bluerosekatie, but you can call me bluerose or katie, or just plain bluerosekatie.  I'm firmly a she/her and I love to create fan characters.  Some of my first fan characters are on here, such as Yirkie and Spiderling, but I've also got some new ones, including a ton of Muzikbots.  I like interaction and feedback on my work, so feel free to comment and start chatting!

I like to write fanfictions and original work (though mostly fanfictions lately), and I draw a lot as well. Most of the time I don't post my characters on here without at least one piece of art I made of them.  I don't mind being reached out to through DMs as long as you aren't creepy about it and don't make demands immediately.  :D


Heya, I'm Tonny!! I'm 23 and I go by She/They pronouns. I have autism and am socially awkward at times, but I'd still love to meet new friends!

Aside from drawing OCs, I love to draw fanart. I'm into a lot of fandoms currently; I have sizeable list of them in my Carrd, which I will put at the end of this post. My current fandom obsession is Hunter x Hunter. (I may have gotten into the fandom way late, but it is what it is. XP XD)

I also love playing video games, more particularly simulation games like Animal Crossing! If you have that game for the Switch, I'd be more than happy to play it with you. ^u^ Music-wise, I'm currently into rock, metal, and electro-swing. But in general I like all music, though hip hop is my least favorite genre. Oh, and I 100% love cats!!

If you want to know more about me, here's my Carrd, which also contains my other socials!! Age-wise, I prefer to talk and befriend with anyone who's 18 or older.


Hi. I'm...uh...looking for friends? 👉👈

I'm 30, female, german and pretty awkward. I'm basically sleepy 24/7, except when i need to sleep. Then i'm fully awake lol 

I love Pokemon. It's not my #1 fandom anymore, but it always has a special spot in my heart. I used to play on Pokemon Adoptable sites, but ultimately left because of toxic, obsessive people stirring hate and drama, and my anxiety disorder really does not like these kind of things 😓

I'm currently hyperfixating on Resident Evil Village, especially Magneto and Mold Dad. But i'm also a huge Spiderman and Spideypool fan. Other loves are Detroit Become Human, Control (the Game), The 100, Duskwood, Digimon and more little loves like Harry Potter, Supernatural, Lucifer and everything revolving around horror, mystery, paranormal and true crime. ☆

I love hearing music and brag about my fandoms, ocs and headcanons. 🥰 I used to RP years ago too, so, aha.

Feel free to DM me. <3

Please no minors, though. 


Howdy! I'm Feh! Male, and straight.

I'm a musician, and an artist!

Somehow, by utilizing my 2.5 brain cells, I can occasionally manage to make okay looking and sounding things!

My passions include music (obviously), art, video games, and a bit of cooking!

I'm a huge Fire Emblem fan. I also love Undertale/deltarune, Ace Attorney, Cattails, and most Nintendo properties.

My main platform is right here, Toyhouse! However, I also have an Artfight account, a SoundCloud account, a Scratch account (inactive), and a YouTube channel.

I'm free to talk pretty much anytime I'm not sleeping! I try to reply quickly to comments and messages, but if I don't, I'm probably just busy, and will get to you ASAP.

Just, don't try to talk with me if you're an 18+ account


Hey!! My name's Kitt ^^ I use she/her pronouns and I'm a minor. I love drawing and that's mostly what I do, but I do enjoy reading and writing from time to time. Roleplaying's also really fun for me! I don't usually use toyhouse too often but I've been having a slow interest back into my OCs. I'd love to meet new friends to ramble and hear their stuff about and draw with! Art friends in general sound really neat haha.

My interests are sorta odd, and I'm into: -Object Shows -Splatoon -Total Drama -Roblox -Camp Camp Most of my social media links can be found here!! I do also have discord, and if you'd like to contact me there probably PM me here and we can talk before I add you! I'm kinda nervous about people I add on discord is all ^^