Post your random tips here

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 months, 17 days ago) by Feufeu

You know a tip that's you're proud of, but you can't show to anyone around you? Or maybe you just want to share it with Toyhouse users? You can tell it here! 

Can be for anything: Toyhouse, art, writting, video game or passion, really everything that crosses your mind as long it's not NSFW or hateful/aggresive.

Have fun! 


Bc EA's too busy shilling micro transactions to fix long-term issues

If you can't make a Spore account but still want to share things you've made, you can just share the preview images the game makes (under documents > my spore creations). The game stores the data for them in the images themselves!

Though if you do share the pics, make sure you're hosting it on a service that doesn't strip or change metadata! The embedded data's the key to making sharing this way work!
Examples of sites that strip metadata: Toyhouse, most social medias
Sites that shouldnt't strip metadata: Dropbox/other cloud storage sites, Discord edit only bc this got bumped recently: don't use discord, use a regular image host like Filegarden & postimage.


Extra note: still pretty new to spore so I'm not sure how sharing adventures offline would work (based off an old/defunct solution i've found, you'll probably need to keep track of & bundle every custom asset you use & iirc some players found adventures saved this way don't generate as much XP.)

If you're an older player feel free to correct me or add on


^Super great advice! I hope you don’t mind if I add some additional tips on how to stay cool during heat waves, mostly just based on my experience with heat waves in the past here in the US.

-cool wet cloths (like dish cloths, honestly anything you have) on your wrists and neck will help cool your blood, and help you keep cool.

-Limit as much time outside as you possibly can. If you must go out, I recommend light, loose clothing and carrying a cold (preferably insulated) water bottle to help keep your core temperatures down. Try to schedule outside time for the early mornings and late nights.

-Don’t forget to watch out for heat exhaustion in yourself and others. Though the symptoms are less severe, it can escalate quickly if you don’t act. Get to a cooler place, drink water if you can, cool showers or cold compresses help. (I’ve included an infographic from here in the states so some of the info like the emergency number differs.) also the temperature to watch out for with Heat stroke is 39.44 Celsius, since the infographic used Fahrenheit.


-If you have a chance to get them, purchase some black out curtains if you can. These literally work wonders. I use them for my room that faces the sun for the majority of the day and it makes a world of difference in keeping that heat out. Apparently I’ve heard that aluminum foil over cardboard placed in windows will also reflect the heat out. Never had a chance to test it myself tho.

-Avoid caffeine! I know I know. But caffeine is a diuretic and will dehydrate you faster.

-Fans Are Great but don’t use them inside if the temperature inside your home is over 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees for the Americans out there). 

-Finally, if you need to go outside, make sure you protect the yourself from the sun. Things like wide brimmed hats, Sunglasses and sunblock with UVA/UVB protection is a must.

Stay cool and safe out there! 


Don't mind me just shamelessly necro bumping this thread yes yes


If you're doing pen-and-ink art & are using a flat-edge to get straight lines, make sure it's raised. This way, if ink flows too fast out of the pen (like if you're heavy-handed or if  you run into inkflow issues) the ink won't flow under the edge & risk smearing when you move it. Buying a cork-backed ruler is one way to avoid it. Though a very common trick is to tape coins to the underside of the flat-edged object. For example, here's my coin modded drawing triangle!


+ with it being raised near the corners, it also has the benefit of letting me ink straight lines over areas that haven't fully dried yet since with the right positioning, it's not coming in contact w/the page


This has been stated a thousand times already in terms of art, but if you're experiencing art fatigue or art block, I recommend temporarily withdrawing from substantial projects until you're relaxed and prepared to create again. Some ideas on how to preserve your hands and mind occupied as a visual artist:

  • If you're not intensely preoccupied with improving your artwork, I recommend creating some frivolous doodles of whatever you prefer to draw!
  • If you're preoccupied with drawing continuously for improvement, concentrate on creating studies of a photograph or artwork you enjoy. You may construct them as loosely or as detailed as you wish! You may even assemble the creation into completion over time rather than in one sitting.
  • Create in another medium than the one you're accustomed to. For example, if you've always yearned to create 3D digital sculptures, Blender is a free program and Paint 3D is a native program that allows you to create 3D models. If you're primarily a digital artist, attempt to create something traditionally, including in a completely new and available medium than you've ever utilized.
  • Consider offering requests or suggestions for inspiration or browsing for art prompts utilizing your search engine of choice. Labor on them gradually rather than quickly or vice versa depending on whichever causes and/or treats your fatigue/block.
If none of these tips function, I recommend simply temporarily retreating from drawing in general and engaging in activities you enjoy instead.

ok. if you're a renpy user and you can't figure out how to add a transition after a splash screen. (if you don't know how to add a splash screen just add label splashscreen: to your script file)

add define config.end_splash_transition = fade to your options file (you can replace fade with whatever transition you want to use but i normally use fade lol)

also you can use as many script files in a renpy game as you want, as long as the new file is a .rpy file and starts with a valid label!


You can get rid of that annoying youtube window that goes like, "we've noticed that you'we using adbwock 🥺 that's not allowed 🥺🥺🥺" with the element zapper in uBlock Origin ^w^

Edit: they patched this, so go open YouTube on incognito mode with adblock installed instead ^w^ sparkle on ✨

If you want to support your favorite youtubers you can donate to them directly instead of going through Youtube. More of the money will reach them if you do this and it won't potentially get taken away from them if Youtube randomly decides to demonetise the videos or something. You can also donate to musicians via bandcamp.