Post your random tips here

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 months, 17 days ago) by Feufeu

You know a tip that's you're proud of, but you can't show to anyone around you? Or maybe you just want to share it with Toyhouse users? You can tell it here! 

Can be for anything: Toyhouse, art, writting, video game or passion, really everything that crosses your mind as long it's not NSFW or hateful/aggresive.

Have fun! 


- Always buy your shoes in the afternoon, after your feet have expanded.


Press F2 on your files for a shortcut to rename it!


There is actually still a way to add Coppa-Marked YouTube videos to playlists. Just make sure you're still in the search results/home page without clicking on the video yet, the three dots next to the video allowing you to add it to a playlist are still there. It's only once you click on the video that the "save to playlist" button is blocked off. Hope that makes sense. Hopefully YouTube never patches it! Lol


Wash store-bought canvases before painting on them. Forgot if its for long-term storage or not, but usually canvases are covered in a coating that'll make it hard to lay down initial coats of paint (hence why it may bead up and not layer properly)

Also, the way I avoid "sticking my paint brush in my drink instead of the paint water" is to make my paint water containers completely different from my drinking glasses. I personally use the Oui yogurt cups for paint water, and avoid using any drinking cups, mugs, or even jars for that (I sometimes use jars for drinks).


wash your grapes in lemon or lime juice! (it makes them a bit tangy, but trust me, it helps to clean them)


If you hear a whistle in the dark, don't whistle back~


Plastic twist ties can be pretty good for cable management.

Especially those thick ones you can find on coffee bags. Because they're thick, flat, and more rigid they're great for wrapping around wires/bunching them


v Peanutbutter + spicy ramen's a great combo in general too! Just a warning if you're doing it to brothless ramen it will thicken up the sauce, so leave some extra water if you're adding it to that


If yo accidentally put too much salt in your homemade mayonnaise, mixing it in a salad can reduce the intensity of the saltiness. Also putting cream/peanut butter in spicy noodles can also reduce the spicy feeling.

And making your hands wet with cold water can make sure you will be less likely to cry from onions.