Post your random tips here

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 months, 17 days ago) by Feufeu

You know a tip that's you're proud of, but you can't show to anyone around you? Or maybe you just want to share it with Toyhouse users? You can tell it here! 

Can be for anything: Toyhouse, art, writting, video game or passion, really everything that crosses your mind as long it's not NSFW or hateful/aggresive.

Have fun! 


To any other chronically ill/disabled folk who find themselves running low on spoons/where it may be dangerous to be standing too long- don't be afraid to sit down in the shower! You can still (probably) reach everywhere you need to scrub, and i find personally that it takes a lot less out of you then standing- it's also safer, depending on your ailment. Depending on the shape of your shower it could be a bit awkward, I may recommend buying a shower stool, but don't be afraid to just sit on the floor! It's like a bath, except it's a shower.


Never punish a dog for growling. Over time, it will cause a dog to “bite out of nowhere” because you took away on of the most tell-tale signs a dog is going to bite: growling. 

Also please do not pin a dog to the ground to show it “dominance.” Alpha theory has been debunked and alpha “rolls” are super dangerous. If you want to get bit in the face, this is the perfect way to make it happen.

TW for ab*se mention? 

It is also extremely abusive because it forces a dog to submit to you. Dogs submit willingly, forcing them to submit is extremely damaging to their emotional and mental health. 


For anyone who has a chimney:

Let the ashes cool off for the day after you set the fire. Then leave it for another day so it can shrink due to a lack of hydration. Then clean it out.

A bit easier for me.


If you have glasses never clean them with a paper towel or shirt. Always use a microfiber cloth instead! The one I use was actually made for wiping stuff off of arcade screens but it works super well and doesn’t damage the lenses. 


When drawing, PLEASE branch out and try new stuff. I cannot stress how important it is NOT to draw exclusively wolves or dragons or horses or humans Because when you go to draw new things… everything will look similar to the thing you were drawing before 😭 if you do this you will Find yourself able to draw anything new from simply looking at a reference photo.

you don’t have to become the new Monet, but please learn a basic understanding of colour theory, your future self will thank you. 

practice anatomy, especially without the clothes. clothes tend to be a very big thing for people to ‘hide’ their mistakes when all you need to do is practice anatomy and study references. Make sure you don’t keep repeating your mistakes.

USE GODDAMN REFERENCES. We are not computers and unless you are one of the 0.0000000001% of people who have a photographic memory, you need references. They’re not cheating

dont shade with an airbrush. simple cel Shading will look so much better than muddy shading with airbrushes

Not advice just a nitpick: please stop using that one shade of ugly ass neon green I swear it is the most repulsive thing ever just please please PLEASE DONT USE IT, ESPECIALLY on character designs. I will change the colour if you commission me with that hideous shade on ur oc :))


If you're shopping for a "gaming chair", just buy an office chair. Gaming chairs are more about the aesthetic, and the racing chairs they're based off of aren't designed for long-term sitting (they're meant to keep someone in place when going at high speeds).

Office chairs can come cheaper depending on what you're looking at + they're designed for long sessions of sitting. This doesn't replace streches & breaks btw, it's to make sitting overall comfortable


Misting plants outside of a terrarium doesn't really do much for the humidity, you're better off getting a humidifier for them (they're rather cheap in the pharmacy section of walmart)


if you have LED lights that you can set a timer or clock for set it for when you wanna wake up

helps me get up a lot easier cus its not dark anymore


Have a stove that has burner pans? Chances are you can lift up the top. Lift it up, clean up the crumbs and spills that get under there. Take the burner drip pans off and clean those to.

Have a mousepad? Wash that to. Just gently rub a little hand soap or shampoo into it then rise it off. Hang it up to dry. 


Firefox's container feature's great for managing multiple accounts & its an ok workaround for sites that don't allow you to already

Settings > General > Enable container tabs - Settings. 

Or right click on the new tab button > manage containers


Always salt your pasta. and your rice. Alternatively crumble a stock cube in a mug of boiling water and add that instead for extra flavour.

Also, download Ublock origin. The internet is a different place when you don't see intrusive adverts everywhere.