General pet peeves thread

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by PS-X

6/11/19: big description edit

This is the thread for general pet peeves. I don't mean character ones or fandom pet peeves, I mean random, not specific to anything pet peeves.


1. Please don't name anybody.

2. If anybody starts to argue, take it to profile comments or PMs.

3. Black out any sensitive content.


Some of these might have been said but here we go- :')

- When people smack/make excessive eating noises

- When my degu grinds his teeth, ik he is happy and he doesn't know better but it sound's like nails on a chalkboard to me!!

- When people open and close velcro because the noise is also horrible

- When people ask me to draw them/humans even when I say no

- when people treat me like I'm fucking 4

- When people act like they now about something better than me when they clearly don't know anything about the topic (mostly when people talk to me about my tarantulas)


Artists who act like people are only valid if they buy their commissions and then treat everyone else poorly like nice man. good one.

Bonus points if they make a name for themselves for being generally unpleasant to people over this stuff and then go ":(( why does no one interact with me?"


I'll admit, I was guilty of this when I was a kid. But

Fanfictions that retell, almost word-for-word events in the OG source. Especially if it's the begining and ESPECIALLY if the intro to the source material is bad in the first place. idk how much it borders on plagerisim (bc it's 'adapting it' in a sence?) but if I like the source enough to seek out fanfiction I probably read/watched/played that opening multiple times so reading it is redundant as hell.

I stopped reading so many fanfics because start off like this smh. Bruh fanfics don't have to be 100% canon accurate + if I wanted the OG source, I'd just read/watch/play the source!


When people put anthro characters in the feral section for trades. Like I’ll be browsing through feral characters that are ufo and see something interesting, click on it, and then figure out there isn’t even an feral form :(


people say twitter is the new tumblr and it is for several reasons but the worst aspect imo is people saying whatever they damn fuckin please with no evidence and everyone believes them just because they tweeted out the “fact” in a vaguely authoritative tone. lol im not gonna believe you just cuz you said so??? Where are your sources??? Why do people still let this slide... has no one learned. It creates this awful game of misinformation telephone to the point where word of mouth is enough to warrant spreading something around. 


When you save a drawing before your computer restarts and then when it gets back on and you reopen the drawing the file is corrupted :(


furries who are like "eat the rich" then go spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on high end fursuits I wish I could just have a sip of that kind of spending money

Edit: I wasn't shaming anyone and there was really no need for all that hostility. :/