[READ] To-Do List

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by admin

Brand New To-Do List & Suggestions Thread to go with the new site update. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

  • Literature Submissions
    • QoL updates later
    • individual warnings for chapters
  • Forum Layout
    • Sidebar changes.
  • Artists / Design updates. 
    • Ability to mark/rearrange the "Design" and "Art" gallery on artist end.
    • Multiple credits (I swear this was already implemented but I guess not ???)
  • PM Inbox general usability fixes.
  • Character Page QoL
    • A customizable section for images with a editable title. Used for "Reference" images or whatever else.
  • Character Links
    • Probably have to rebuild the entire feature...
  • More site color themes.
    • Probably not a customizable version, but maybe we'll run a community choice and pick 3 or 4 themes?
  • QoL
    • Toggleable...sections...for profiles...for everything ...
    • probably just more toggles in general, toggles everywhere
    • Sorting options for characters and images. (IE. by upload date or by alphabet)
    • Time Zone Settings
    • "Next Character" on character pages, or something similar.
    • "View as Guest" option for character pages.
    • Visited Link = different color.
    • Editor color options (IE. darker so blazing white doesn't burn eyes)
    • IC Character selection options / ordering

Last Updated: 03/17.19


Requesting updating font-awesome. I liked Bells, but it's not showing up yet. ' w'a


heck yeah, thanks!


Suggestion for the blocking system : 

Toggleable ability to hide art created by blocked users / from blocked users 

- Allow people to toggle whether or not they want to see art by users they have blocked in the same fashion that one can toggle arts of different mature content. Full view, censored view, or not visible at all. ((Mutual friends may result in a user seeing art uploaded from people they have blocked, or even random people who happen to have art from them. This can cause serious problems for people who blocked others to avoid seeing their content due to past abuse/harassment/toxic relationships and seeing these pieces popping up could cause anxiety and other such reactions. Honestly I'm not sure why this isn't already implemented in the blocking system? Why are artworks by people you have blocked not hidden or at least censored??))
- Also allow people to chose whether or not they want users they have blocked to be able to see their art on other peoples profiles. The blocked user would of course still be able to see any art created by this user if it is on one of their own characters, but they would not be able to see it on other peoples profiles. ((also helps stop users they have blocked who have harassed or stalked them in the past from seeing more of their content!))

Maybe even allowing different "groups" of blocked people to have different settings within these two toggles ((similar to authorization lists?)) If that's not too hard to implement


What problems could this possibly cause? It only helps victims.
Even if someone is not a victim, it's still a good option for people to be able to choose if they want



That is exactly why it is toggleable though? If your main issue with this is the blocked person finding out that someone has blocked them, first of all that's not even the main point of this feature, but secondly it's not automatically blocking your images from the other person, only if you toggle it to do that. The main reason this feature was brought up was because of seeing images from people that've been blocked which causes the blocker to have anxiety and other reactions due to seeing art from someone they literally blocked to avoid

Example: I block jim, that probably means I don't want to see Jim's art in my messages or while browsing. This would allow me to censor or completely hide jim's art so i don't have to see it ((or leave it normal if you don't care to censor/hide it)). Me not being able to see jim's art isn't going to somehow allow Jim to know that I've blocked them? It's only going to affect my experience, not theirs. ((At this point I'm going to continue to refer to the user who has been blocked as Jim to avoid any confusion about which user I'm talking about.))
The ability to block your art from others who you have blocked is another possible feature, but it's meant to be something toggleable, so that the user can pick whether or not "Jim" is able to see their art on other peoples profiles. This would NOT be filtered the same way as NSFW images. You would select simply whether or not the blocked user can see your art on other profiles, so it's either there, or it's not. Jim seeing your art is a separate toggle from you seeing Jims art, and both are set by the person who blocked Jim. ((IF jim blocks you back, Jim can set their own perimeters as well, though this cannot be used to bypass your own. IE: You have it set so Jim can't see your art. Jim has it set so that they can. They still won't be able to see your art, though they can still set it this way so if at any point you change it to where Jim CAN see your art, then they will be able to at that point, due to the combination of both your and Jim's settings.))

As for trading, there's already tons of images on toyhou.se that can't be seen. This is either because of NSFW settings ((whether you are too young or you have it filtered due to your settings)) OR images that the creator of the character has manually set to either only themself or only authorized users. Yes, while asking about unviewable images I may come across Jim's art now and again, it's much less of a common experience than if I 100% have to see Jims art at all times no matter what I wish to do? I don't see how "They might see it when trading for a character!" is a reason enough to negate people's option to see the art or not. They also might see it if it's credited offsite instead of onsite. It's not 100% foolproof, but it's definitely a helpful feature.

If Jim used this as an excuse to block evade or harass someone who blocked them, then... the mods can punish them? I don't see the logic behind this either. This sort of behaviour should be punished on a website that results in a suspension or ban, or something, not used as an excuse to stop people from having a better blocking system. If Jim makes an alt account or sends friends after me to tell me to unblock them, I can just report them to staff and it should be taken care of. It's not like this art thing really makes it all that much easier to tell, because if Jim goes to my page or characters they'll know anyways.

And, it was already explained multiple times, if Jim has art of mine on their own characters/profile, Jim will be able to see it 100%, no matter what my settings are. It's not hiding art that Jim owns. It's hiding art that Jim has nothing to do with, on other peoples profiles. 

Lastly, as for popular artists.... They should have a choice whether or not someone they've blocked can see their art as well? I don't see how having a large audience suddenly means that they aren't allowed the common decency of someone not being able to see their stuff. Or, the other way around, if Jim is popular and subsequently has a lot of random people blocking them. These individuals should be allowed to choose whether or not they want to see Jims art, and if Jim should be able to see theirs. I don't see any reason why popular artists shouldn't have this same system. It applies to everyone



Toggling your ability to see the blocked persons art is the main reason this feature was brought up. That's what we want out of this, and that's what I don't understand wasn't already implemented. Being able to block them from seeing your art is a nice feature as well, but that's not the main point or the main thing wanted out of this. It's just a side option that I thought could also be useful in some situations.



I would rather have the ability to stop myself from seeing blocked users art, even if I can't block them from seeing mine. I get that it can make people feel weird knowing that they're blocked ((I've had that feeling before too)), so I see how that particular feature could potentially be an issue in some situations. I still feel like it would be good, but I do get your point. 

Basically my stance is I like both potential features, but blocking myself from seeing art credited to people I've blocked is much more important to me, and I'd much rather have that feature than the other. I feel it's a more useful feature to help the blocking system and less likely to get abused ((especially since it only affects the person who did the blocking, so it can't really be used to mess with anyone else's experience)).
To extend that idea it might be cool to also be able to block images credited to certain URLs since not everything is credited onsite. It would work the same as blocking/censoring yourself from seeing a certain users art, but now it would also allow you to block/censor yourself from seeing art credited to a specific URL. Though I honestly have no idea how hard implementing that type of filtering would be, so I don't know if something like that is really feasible. 

Whether or not that extension is possible though I still think being able to filter yourself from seeing onsite user's art that you have blocked would be a good thing to have implemented



Totally agree with you! I didn't think about including it in the mute feature before, but I think that would definitely be good to allow it in both.
I was thinking maybe there could be a little symbol somewhere that could display how many total images there are from blocked user(s) in the characters gallery. Something small enough so that it's not super in-your-face but you can still see if there are images in case of a trade or other such situation

Nemphis VentingClown

I'm pretty sure I saw someone suggest this somewhere (not sure if it was here or another forum) but I figured I'd suggest it too, I guess?? 

being able to submit multiple versions of the same picture with out cluttering up your gallery. Like, for example my friend just did this picture of my character Nem (which is why I'm posting IC) But she also did an alternate version of him wrapped up in Christmas lights. and sometimes I like to post up the sketches as well as the full done picture so it would make it a bit neater if i could somehow group certain photos together. I guess that's a good way to put it.

I'm now sure how many other people would be as interested in this idea as me, or how to better explain my thought process.