IMPLEMENTED!: "Are you sure... delete this tab?"

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Sealsona

Implemented as of March 2nd, thank you mods<3!


Just a tiny suggestion! When deleting character tabs, it always worries me when it brings up the dialogue of "Are you sure you want to delete this character?", and I end up clicking back a few times to their profile just to be absolutely sureĀ I'm not about to lose my whole character.

To make it clearer that you're deleting a tab and not the whole character, I feel as though changing instances of "character" to "tab" on the deletion screen would be helpful!


A very minor suggestion, but something that I think would help ease some stress nonetheless haha.


+1 yeah, this freaked me out a bit when deleting tabs off a very important character of mine!


Oh my god please I swear I had to triple check and ask around about this, the wording is so confusing





I know that it shows the tab ID in the url for the deletion page, rather than the character url, signifying that the tab is getting deleted, but that's not enough for me, nor can it be expected to be enough for others.


+1 to this as well because it always makes me worry/panic over nothing lmao.


+1 please let the wording be clearer ;; I dont want to keep looking at the heading to make sure it's rly a tab being deleted lol


+1 I swear every time I go delete a character's tab, I always have to do several checks to make sure I'm not deleting the character. It's really not fun,,,


+1 this seems like it should already be a thing omfg




I believe this was suggested a lot of times, bUT WHY HASN'T THIS BEEN ADDED YET??? +1 REGARDLESS


+1 i have to triple check every time


+1 absolutely


Fairly sure this has been suggested before, +1 anyways though. This just feels like an oversight, to be honest.