You WILL let me ask about your ocs. [temp closed]

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago (Edited 3 years, 5 months ago) by damascus

I am currently unable to keep up due to having moved, but I will come back to this thread when I can!

(holding out my hand) give me your OCs. Let me ask questions.

100% inspired by Trowa's super trendy post! It got me all hyped up to talk about my own OCs, and so I want to pay it forward to everyone else.

Pick one OC. Post IC, and I'll read through your OC's profile and find questions to ask you. It might take me some time, but I'll be sure to get back to everyone. Don't worry about how many people are ahead of you, I'll get to ya!

I’m amazed by the traction this thread got! We had over 250 posts when I unfortunately had to close it, and now I'm bringing it back! It’s so much fun to read profiles I might not have otherwise even found, and then get to dig deep into their backgrounds with questions! I have seen a couple of people say that they might want to ask me questions; this is 100% NOT required and if you just want to drop a character and come back to answer questions, you are valid in that!

But if you DO want to ask me about my characters in turn, I would recommend Apocalypse Tokyo! (Although you’re free to venture into others, of course!) This is just my active folder that I work on regularly. Or, if you want to ask about an underdeveloped world, "of the rising sun" is my new project. Once again, NOT required. No need to feel pressured to think something up!


Hey thanks so much! 😳 hehe I’m sure these are keeping u busy during quarantine ,

💬 Has he ever been rejected before, even once?
ONCE..... He’s still finding it hard to accept because girls normally flock around him! 

💬 And did he even notice it happening, or did he power through with more suave charm?
YES and it was killing him! He is powering thru it definitely by charming others, this is his way of recovering HAHA

💬 Does anyone DISlike Jason? Why?
JASON WELL.. he is............ popular jock who is used to getting his way, he can come off arrogant without even knowing! 

Nash - Jasons number 1 enemy! The two bump heads a lot during practice out on the field, coach has to break things up often. Nash is envious of Jason

Forrest - hate is a strong word, I think Forrest is just mostly fed up with Jasons little games in trying to woo her! He’s a simp for her 😔

Ernest - he is Forrest’s love interest! He finds Jason a nuisance and will do what he can to make him go away, even if it means getting physical.. 

💬 Will he befriend the freaks and geeks of Animal Academy, or does he stay within his clique?
He’s very open to meeting just about anyone, even those out his elements!

What made you decide to go with an albino zebra?
GOOD QUESTION I just really wanted a zebra character but didn’t want him to be black and white because I felt it was too generic! I wanted him to stand out in a way

I just want to add that your oc here is so pretty!! ❤️


thank you for the questions! i just now saw the notification dshgfhsdfhsf

Why was Worm deemed such a good candidate to become a child soldier?

she was pitted against other goblin children in a hunger games-esque combat ring, a survival of the fittest sort of thing. worm managed to come out on top multiple times - some of her opponents just barely survived and some of them didn't. they fought very hard but worm fought harder.

the hobgoblins were like, "we keep throwing her into the combat ring and she just Refuses To Die, so i think we've got a good soldier on our hands."

What would Worm wish for from the tower Gerovit?

she would wish to never have to want anything again... like, she would want financial stability and a permanent home and stuff like that. she grew up extremely poor and lives a very rough nomadic lifestyle, and although she doesnt seem very affected by it, she actually finds it very exhausting to live like this.

Does she have any companions right now, a travelling party, or does she go solo?

the campaign she's in hasn't started yet, so for the moment i imagine she is still on her own.

Why are her boots too big for her dang feet?

they're boots of elvenkind, made for elf feet and not goblin feet. altho they're a bit clunky to walk around in, they help her sneak around better. she probably stole them

Do you think that with her mother bird tendencies, Worm would make a good mother to a child?

since worm is basically a feral goblin child in an adult goblin body, im not entirely sure how she would behave if she were a guardian for a child. but i do think she would care a lot about the child.

she would be like a mother bird (feeding it bugs and making a nest, probably) and a mother cat (hoisting the child around by the neck, or rather a much safer body part to be hoisting an infant around with).

Jane Doe GoodKnight

*sets him down and runs away*

Dmitrios Antoniou Kirbygal

Maybe some for him? ^^;;; thankies ~

Kuya adultfear

Thanks for the questions! It's interesting because these two started out as a D&D PC and his NPC, but have evolved into something else beyond that by this point. Kuya's the PC I play, and depending on the campaign (our previous one had to be stopped short due to IRL circumstances) - whether he finds Ouyang, whether he ever recognizes his feelings (romantic or otherwise) for him are left entirely to the campaign's direction!

Beyond that, I've created their own story universe (think: YA novel, fantasy) inspired by D&D x SEAsia - and here, they don't ever really separate, though circumstances will still inevitably force them & their paths apart. Their feelings here for each other are never really ever verbalized, but understood by the both of them without needing words.

Kuya collects anything at all, really. He enjoys stealing the shiny thing - but purely because it's interesting, not because the thing has any inherent worth. He's scavenged all sorts of weird little trinkets (from a used spoon to the hat of a dragon cultist) because they act as snapshots of his journey. In-campaign, he's hoping to someday relay what he experienced to Ouyang when they meet again.

He likes far-off places that are off the map, never-before-seen, unheard of entirely. Places wild and wonderful and maybe swallowed up somewhat by nature and time. If you look at the "list of mythological places" on wiki - stuff like El Dorado, Agartha, Shangri-La, Atlantis etc...he's into that, not only because the end-goal promises something incredible, but mostly because of the fantastical thrill that the arduous journey there would bring HAHA.

Cocoa! ☕️ sketchdoodie

maybe her?

Shestiugolnik Kolo

i just updated sessy's profile! i hope he catches some interest :> thank you!

Adella sunshineem

Intrigued by Adella's info. Hers and her people's freedom appears to have been taken. How, why, by whom? How is she bringing that freedom back? Is there anyone who helps or hinders her along the way? Whose beliefs does she have to change, and what are those beliefs?

(I'm mad, this got deleted and I was almost finished ahhh).

Adella is born of a royal family, but she itself is not considered a true royal since she was born of an affair by her mother. She always thought ridiculous how the only one who loved her was the king, who wasn't her blood father. 

The couple has another child, the crown princess who is now married with a greedy and selfish merman, and they are to take the crown and rule over their folks in a few years after training.

But Adella knows how dangerous it is o truly let them rule over their people. Besides this danger from inside, that she fears it will steal the freedom and happiness of the people, there is also the dangers from the outside.

More and more tales about ships sighs in the deep ocean are told and stories about other non-human races being hunted down by these fellow. 

Adella could not stay, because of her sister and of the knowledge she had about the danger inside and out, so with the kinds blessing she left without others knowledge to adventure herself on the vast ocean she doesn't truly know and try find the answers for the problems.

She makes friendship and foes along the way, few stick around for long, but there is another merfolk who decides to travel with her in the long run. The beliefs she has to change is of her new friend who was a loner and a pirate who wished for riches. Riches he doesn't truly mind how he gets, just that the gold gets to his pockets. 

She needs to change a key human, to stop the limitless hunting, not for only her people but others as well. Besides, she was always curious about the creatures on the land.

Slinky sivanhe

Imma just drop my Beetlejuice lookin idiot in here

King Shaolinquan lycanvvolf

would love some questions of this feral dictator guy


I'll see about getting another batch done tomorrow!


Is Reno named after the city of Reno, or something else? What kickstarted his dream of becoming a musician, and why did he give it up? What kind of things does he have a soft spot for? Why does he hate his heterochromia?


What inspired Picasso's creation? Did his fathers plan to have kids, or were he and Leonardo a surprise? How does he get along with Leonardo? Why the dislike for mannequins?


Why oes Insignis dislike the color black? What was his life like before he became a hit-man? Why did he leave (or was he ousted from?) The Union? What inspired you to make this character?

Thanks for the question as well! Honoka was pushed towards delusions of grandeur after Yukie's gruesome death in the antarctic. She was encouraged (forced) to join Kanen Corp after the mission to the south pole, and from there started rationalizing the things that she did as part of her job, telling herself that she was "saving the world" and that the ends justified the means. Over time, she saw herself as less of a cog in the machine and more of a mother to her experiments, and then began deluding herself into believing she could create a new world for them, as a god.


Are Lucky and Malicious the same person? Do they have separate personalities and ideals, or do they feel the same ways about everything? What do they like to do? What do they hate? Do they have any friends or companions?


What was the experiment/project that John Doe was created for? What IS John? Who were the three people that were turned into him? Why was John created? Was Doc the one who created him?