Bring me your chaotic, your foolish, your clumsy, your unlucky, your characters with bad judgment, terrible self-preservation, unwise ideas; your characters who manage to be an unintentional danger to themselves or the people around them; your characters who always land themselves in some kind of trouble; your characters who don't have their lives together at all: whoever they are and whatever their deal is, bring me your characters who are a hot mess!

All my forum games and threads

Apollo D'oro Cuore Arcainook

This fellow right here, literally a sunshine but brings a lot of disaster with him, alongside a large bit of family drama xD

Ethan Fisher brightxyes

honestly the only reason Ethan is alive at this point is thanks to his friends-

non-existent sleep schedule, would live off of instant ramen and energy drinks if left alone, has a hard time remembering his meds, once dropped everything to travel around Europe without telling anyone, 0 self preservation skills, i could go on and on about this dude but i love him dearly

Timothy swamii

Wow, Timothy for sure

Aphelion Collins mysterious_balto

Aphelion is definitely up there. He seems like he has his life together, which makes it even funnier, but the truth is that he's struggling — a lot. Aphelion undervalues himself a lot, therefore his self-esteem is incredibly low, though he seems pretentious. People think of him as a self-absorbed jerk, but deep down, he's really not, he's just afraid to get close to people, so he pushes them away to protect himself emotionally. 

Malaika Vxxlo

Basically the personification of disaster. A complete lack of impulse control & highly questionable morals, greasy, vulgar, uncouth, socially and physically awkward, filled to the eyeballs with pure rage, anxiety, & nihilism, has no idea what's going on at all ever but hates everything anyway, extremely accident-prone (and they're never small accidents either), would probably get nervous and bark at you if you asked him how his day was going, only seems to be able to make friends with people who have been on the top of FBI's Most Wanted list at least twice- the only reason he's still alive at this point is because the gods won't let him die tbh

Vreeza ocpdzim

They're having a pretty good time all things considered, but Vreeza absolutely reads as a disaster to everyone but themself. They actively refuse to think through their actions.

Fox manyface

fox is downright FOOLISH

Dimitri DatBoiStrauss

Usually he's fine, but sometimes the fact that he is seen as nothing but a robot as opposed to the truly sentient being he is gets to him a bit-

Very much a "Detroit: Become Human" situation XD

Ego eanx

an unhinged, black market mechanic who freeloads off of her colleague's home and literally named herself "ego". should be good enough


case in point: got handcuffed before he could put his jacket on and is now trying to make it seem like a style choice

Pete CoolNickname3579

both figuratively and literally

Vinnie Chaos TristanRose

an obnoxious arrogant idiot who is just pure cringe for the most part will throw tantrums like a melodramatic diva. at the age of 27. lol. 


She's a murderous vampire :P