Bring me your chaotic, your foolish, your clumsy, your unlucky, your characters with bad judgment, terrible self-preservation, unwise ideas; your characters who manage to be an unintentional danger to themselves or the people around them; your characters who always land themselves in some kind of trouble; your characters who don't have their lives together at all: whoever they are and whatever their deal is, bring me your characters who are a hot mess!

All my forum games and threads

 Jeremy Collins Samashy

Definitely Jeremy. He's always doing something goofy and stupid. Breaks his bones a lot because he doing something reckless. Always has to go to Eve to heal but she wants that bag $$ first. She's also a complete disaster and menace to society. Eve loves to fight and jumps into things impulsively. She's also hot headed and doesn't give up till she's out cold. Also does pranks way too often. They're both the most chaotic.

Naomi isn't that chaotic but she always ends up in something since she's way too nice. Literally would help anyone and not second guess their intentions.

Alberic Ainsworth KomodoBove

Oh well this is easy! There is no one else in my TH that is a greater danger to himself AND the general public than Alberic!

Chaos‼️ PUPSIK

Puts milk in before the cereal

Tom Pimn

Tom is such a mess even his internal anatomy is completely disorganized (yeah he's aware of this he just doesn't think it's that big a deal). Has 0 self care and somehow always manages to put himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Randy Mace RandyMace

Is a danger to society and to himself

How he isn't institutionalized somewhere is a mystery

Antagonistic, insolent, stubborn, and is as nice and smart as a bully out of the 1980s movie

This character has  rotted my brain, I find this character to be entertaining 

I'm so proud of creating a wannabe  Adult Swim character

Leni lordcanti


Desmond Lockhart XxmisamurderxX

doesn't care who he hurts to get what he wants + makes endless bad decisions, has anger issues and on top of all that thinks he's the most amazing and attractive person ever!! he also doesn't sleep much <3

Tony Hag

I wasn't gonna post tony because he's not clumsy or unlucky by any means BUT... he is indeed a Hot Mess 😳 he hath been summoned... 

he has nothing in his life under control-- other than saying he's innocent of crimes (which is not true most of the time)

Sahamara MissNobody

Not even Satan himself wants this one. LUL