your OC’s most prized possession!

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by tim-in-a-box

What the title says- what’s that one item that’s particularly special to your OC?
Is it something with financial value, maybe something they had to save up for a long time for and are excited to have now?
Something with sentimental value, like an item that’s been passed down through generations?
Something they use a lot and never leave their house without or something they keep in a safe place at home?

Any other kind of thing that’s special to them for any other reason? No matter it all counts, so share it all here o:

Write as much or as little as you want, you can post as may characters as you want and have fun :’D

Tim tim-in-a-box

I’m gonna put Tim and his crystal piano for this one o:
He did learn to play a piano when he was young, but it was just a plain normal piano. He and his mom both knew that Tim is way too fancy for something like this so when he was in about high school, his mom decided to give him a really fancy gift that was this outrageously expensive crystal piano :3 Tim has been in love with it ever since and is now in his current home :’3
I was also able to find the crystal piano for the sims and here’s some pics :’D


Wes Mothsome

It would have to be his memory box! Just a small wooden box with little trinkets and junk, either given to him or found while looking on the ground! It's special to him since he doesn't have the best memory, so just looking at the items in there gives, whether he remembers getting it or not, him a feeling of familiarity



Sabishii's would have to be her stuffed koala who currently doesn't have a name. Its definitely something along the lines of "snugglebutts" or "sir. flufferbutter"... She's had him for a few years now after her and Fern visited a zoo once they finished school (18-19yrs). Sab only ever keeps him in her bedroom and never likes to talk about him, The only person who still knows about him is Fern since shes the one who bought him. He has a lot of sentimental value for some reason, plus i just think its cute :]

Fern's I think would be a jacket/coat that her brother used to wear. Its probably in the back of her wardrobe collecting dust but she couldn't bring herself to get rid of it. She'll only ever pull it out on his birthday, or if she just misses him

Kokatsu's would be her guitar! She tries to take it with her as much as possible but it gets in the way too often, so instead, she has a special place for it in her house. I think she once spotted it in the window of a shop and she decided she NEEDED IT and eventually with some help from her aunt she was able to afford it. I don't actually have photo/drawing of it but i image it would look something like this

Sylvia's I'd like to think would be kinda like time capsule which has some kind of belonging from everyone in her whole family stored away in there. She's actually pinched a few things from it (with permission) that belonged to her grandparents, she's also added additions of her own. Their family has always been an adventurous one, so the box is "To remember the ones who got lost in the woods....never to be found again." (Sylvia's words). She's always thought its a really sweet idea, plus it makes for a good conversation starter

 Sumu's is HARD. As much as she likes stuff, she doesnt really *like* like stuff. The only thing i could kinda say is her collection of desktop gnomes she regularly talks to. They've just built up overtime as everyone who she lives with in the manor only knows she really like gnomes...

 Henry's isn't really a "possession" but for most prized thing it would be his caterpillars! He likes to take care of them plus he keeps em as pets (for as long as he can at least, until they turn to butterflies). He finds releasing them sad but it also means he can take care of a new caterpillar.. and then hes happy again :]

Liliana Minn

Liliana has a hairpin that she received as a gift. It's been her favorite possession ever since she's received it. 

Suiren carries her mother’s Wakizashi and her fiancé’s katana with her at all times, and cleans and sharpens them. It’s her way of honoring their deaths, so she keeps the weapons in incredible condition. 

Robi Tribal CaptainRobi

Robi's plasma rifle has been with him ever since he broke out of a space station; It has seen many modifications and saved his butt so many times. It breaks easily as much as it breaks his heart when it does.

Zuri Kelina1080

Her hat! Definitely her hat! She doesn't like when people take it off and take it from her especially of its by a taller person as she's rather short haha.. She does use her bamboo staff to give herself height but sometimes thats not enough and she'll end up tugging or gripping at your shirt/fur/clothes just to reach for her hat.

The hat was a gift from her adoptive mother and would never let it go.

Another would be her staff but she isn't as possessive with it as her hat


Treats’ spellbook! 

Lo Cliodna


Lo/Donohue never leaves without his dice necklace.

It's an exceptionally tacky piece of jewelry made of two bone-carved D6 dice on a cheap chain. Years ago, when he was down on his luck, a street merchant approached him trying to sell her wares. He'd expressed disinterest owing to the cheap look of the pendant and been assured by the merchant that its' purpose was not decorative but rather as a good luck charm. As said, Lo'd been down on his luck so he rolled his eyes and bought the necklace. Soon afterwards he came upon a windfall and, looking back, feels that his life's been heading steadily up ever since. So he's kept the necklace and tends to attribute any bout of unlikely fortune to its' influence. (out-of-character I basically collect luck-related feats and skills for this guy)

With him finding an Astral Shard during the campaign has made the necklace all the more valuable, since now it also acts as his spellfocus.

Cereal Killer tim-in-a-box

I got another one: Cereal Killer and his herbarium o: He made it when he was in about high school and his dad taught him all about different plants and herbs and all the medicine, drugs or poisons you cam make with them. He still has it today o:

Cain sivanhe

It's technically two, buttt Cain's most prized possessions are his tentacle rings! He got them from his ex-girlfriend when they were still together, before she moved out of state :']

The two are still very close friends, so Cain keeps the rings on at all times to keep the memories with him :]


Literally a broken scooter handlebar, she ain't going anywhere without that weapon of hers.

Kazue Hyun dandelionfields

Kazues most prized possession is probably a picture of his uncle and him together. His uncle basically raised Kazue and they had a super close bond like father and son and when his uncle died, it was like a punch in the gut. 



Kaylee's most prized posession is her black purse. It was the first thing she bought from her first pay check as a cop. It fits with almost every outfit, and she had it enchanted (she had to save up for that) so she can stuff anything she wants to bring in it, including drinks in glasses and things that are too big to take along. 


After she saw how handy her sisters enchanted purse was, Raina went to the same enchanter, and had her favorite coat enchanted. It is a kneelenght leather coat, and it has protective enchantements. It's not a super fancy enchantment. It probably doesn't help when someone drops a bomb on her, or when a demon overlord tries to kill her, but it should keep her safe from a lot of harm. 

Now that she has the coat enchanted, Raina wears it almost everywhere, which is fortunate for me because I love drawing her in it. (While, as you can see, I regularly forget to add Kaylee's purse... 


01. Jax Sadismancer

Jax's piano I think. He doesn't really hold anything to heart, yet his piano is his prized posession.