Names you don't use (for your OCs)

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Stareater

Hello! I just thought this would be funny... xD 

When it comes to naming OCs, there are some names no matter how appropriate meaning-wise or how much I like them... I never use because it reminds me too much of another person. 

Are any names unusable for you? 

Feel free to share stories <3 Who knows, maybe a name unusable for someone else might be good for you!


I don't use generic names used for OCs like 'starlight' and things like that ;;v;;

also, I don't normally use names that are more than one word unless it fits


Kevin. I could never call an OC that. Blame Kevinismus.


I don't usually give my characters last names like. who cares.

Uh for names I don't usually use? IDK I've used my friend's names, co workers names, family's names etc. I've used common names. 

I guess one name I won't use is NEVAEH because I think it's really dumb (no offense to...anyone w that name im sorry)
I've also never used my OWN name because 1. Nah and 2. the only thing I'll ever think of is Gabrielle de Lioncort and sorry can't beat her she already wins best fictional character with the name Gabrielle so no point to be honest


I don't mind most American names because I'm not American, then I don't hear them often anyway :D
Like, this thread just told me that "Elijah" is a really common name, while I actually heard of it only once (in Asimov's books) before giving that name to my character...

Beside this, I don't mind really common names.... Because sometimes it actually fits the character. Not everyone in life has a supra unique and original name. Then, my realistic characters do not need overly original names neither. 

What I would not use is a name that represents a character's trait that is not something  you can see when they're born. Like, evil characters having "evil name", or a character having a fire-related name and who later learned to use fire-related powers.... 
I keep in mind the fact that a character is named by their parents. A parent usually does not know if their kid is going to be evil, a fire-bender, a monster-fighter, an herbalist, nor anything...
Unless there is a little backstory to this, like, the mother was a fire-bender and wanted their kid to learn fire-bending too, and named them after fire.
I have a character like this : his father was a botanist and named him after plants, and shared his love for plants with him, until the kid actually got a strong liking to plants as well. 


Typically the only names I tend to shy away from are names of people close to me in my life or people who have wronged me in some way that I don't want to be reminded of. (such as my mom's name is Georgia, so it'd be hard for me to name a char after her becuae I'd find it awkward)


Names of close friends or family, mostly. I also won't used the names Jason or Richard, unless they're for jerky side characters.


I refuse to use the names Ashley or Ava. Ashley because I love that name too much, and Ava because I really hate that name. XD


I tried using the name Rae instead of Raye (someone I kind of knew) but it still didn't work out ;o;; The feelings carried over so I had to change the name of my character altogether.


I love American names, ha ha

I normally steer clear of names of close friends, as well as names of pets 


definitely common names >w<

i'd use my irl name but there's no character worthy enough, and i honestly wouldn't even use that unless it's on a sona????

also family names, idk it's just weird

i don't use any names i can't pronounce either like ???


I can't use Jack

Every cool guy is named Jack

I'm not cool enough for that B(

EDIT;; or names that just don't fit a character lmao, don't call your god of the underworld, sacrificer of the unholy blood and destroyer of the damned 'Bobby' unironically omg


I feel like I have to use 'unique' names a lot, it wasn't until recently that I started using any 'normal' names for my OCs and even then it's because there's a reason (for example, my OC named Sophie is named that because my gf had an OC named Howell and I thought it would be really funny to have them be friends because Ghibli). I still tend to avoid them, though, as I tend to like less common names in the first place.

But names I won't use under any circumstances are names that specifically have a very 'fandom' attachment to them (for example, anyone who names their OC Karkat is gonna immediately alert every homestuck in the vicinity, the name Aang for your OC will make people think of ATLA instead of your OC, etc. etc.).


• Common names of kids in my school- like Mckayla, Cayden, Emma, Jason

• People I know- like Trevor, Caitlyn,Malaya

•Famous people, unless their name is more common

•"Creative names" like Kristall, Neveah, Lyam