Show off your Ginger OCs

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Sang

I've been messing around on General threads out of boredom, so why not, let's make a share thread. Show the world your orange haired OCs!

not a conspiracy for ginger positivity made by a ginger

 Novy Laniga-Skyleaf LadyLatias

She's a little shy, but Novy wanted to say hello~


Saoirse is ready for this!

 Alexei KnightOfSpring

My little Ophanim baby that I clearly need to draw more often ;O

Eferhild Stareater

I realized I don't have many and need more ;;

Fira Prismakry

Does hair that looks like fire count as ginger? haha. She was a ginger when she was 'alive' so I guess it counts?

Haruhi Moriya Meimorie

My little Haru-chan!

Thanatos CandyLashes

// touches// this is my all time favorite oc ffff

Markus M. Leon ElithianFox

Markus is ginger!

 Kanae Feinny

There you have one of my main babs, adorable ginger bab <3<3 //MoreOrange tho


EXTREMELY RED-PINK but  16 King Cassidy is a more realistic ginger lol

Adrian Prophet TheLadyAnatola

Here's one of my orange-haired triplets...

Caleb Prophet TheLadyAnatola's another...