Show Me Your Military OCs

Posted 7 years, 3 days ago (Edited 4 years, 2 months ago) by Lonestarcelt

Ron Perlman Voice: War...War never changes.

From the first time one person used a rock to bring down another to conflicts spanning galaxies? Was has been around and in all that time it has and will need people to fight those various conflicts. From knights riding the back of horses to fight for their feudal lords, mages calling down mystical powers on their nation's enemies, soldiers running across the fields of no man's land through toxic gas, to grunts and insurgents fighting house to house in close quarters modern combat, to the machines of war or the mercenary soldiers fighting over planets and landscapes light years away from the places of their creation. From the lowliest private fighting on the front lines to the highest ranking generals commanding the battles from above. For those fighting for king and country or simply to line their own pockets. Those who are fighting as we speak to those who have long sense put down their weapon and settled as best they can into a life of peace following their service either with a conformable retirement or a dishonorable discharge on their name. It doesn't matter. This is the thread for those who have fought either for countries, ideologies, nobility, emperors, or companies. Soldiers, mercenaries, freedom fighters, rebels? If they have made their living fighting for a cause or just started to train to do so? Put your characters here.

There are some rules to keep in mind

  1. While this thread is war and conflict? That doesn't mean you need to be graphic in your details when you post. You don't need to go into depth about the number of people your character has killed in excruciating detail or talk about all the horrid things they did in the war. However sometimes those details do inform a characters choices and if that's the case and you have to talk about it? Keep it PG-13 for one and anything that could be considered sensitive? Go ahead and throw it behind a block like so: Example text.

  2. In a similar vein as the above? War crimes do exist, yes, terrorism exists, yes, wars fought for evil reasons have happened, yes, BUT try your best to be smart about your characters you post here. For example not only is the above rule important but don't, say, imply your character had a hand in a real life war crime or horrible thing that someone or someone's parents/grandparents might have actually lived through. Just, try and keep other people in mind when posting characters who might be considered...problematic for lack of a better word. OCs who have fought in an active or prior real life conflict is fine just don't tie them to say an actual genocide.

  3. You can either post your characters one at a time or as a group in an OOC post. Post options are perfectly valid. Just try not to dominate an entire page with your characters. So if you are posting a few on their own? Try to only do three at a time and let more people post in the interim before you go back to going one at a time.
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person B posts
    Person C posts
    Person D posts
    Person E posts
    Person F posts
    Person G posts
    Person H posts
    Person I posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
  4. Be respectful and don't cause drama. If someone breaks these rules please let me know and I or the admins will handle the situation.

Current Ban List:

  • None, let's keep it that way. 
Bellamy Liang*^ Peridotite

It isn't a huge emphasis yet, but Wesley here is part of his family Royal Guard, so technically he's a knight- I believe. So that counts as military, I think. Right? 

Itokai Senta Kree-Kat

Kai was a part of a defending army for a long period as a general. nNwadays he prefers to spend his time with his gf and bf adventuring with them. he still is a part of the order thoough, and occassionally returns to attend to some duty or another. 

Taron Anatolios Kree-Kat

In his first life Taron fought as a faceless soldier in the greecian army, his time as a soldier had long since past along with the body that served his first homeland. He laments the pointlessness of war and death.

Spoon Linebine

Spoon is a mercenary soldier and works for a security company which is hired to guard a pioneer space mission of researchers and miners.

 🔴 ✶ Misha Trolluminati

He belongs to the KET - the Kirin Extermination Team. It's a special division of the military. He is the strategist of the team.

He's pretty young, but because of his ability he was taken into the team together with his elder sister.

Deakong Hag

General of the Royal High Elven military and looooooves it. Very high fantasy and he's the whole reason why I've got a ton of OCs dressed in subversive '''''armor''''' now. thanks a lot, Deakong. LOL

Torrs aimlessPlayer

My whole SSV Crecy folder!!

Vardah Lasout Lonestarcelt

Bumping this thread with my girl Vardah. An ex marine wounded by friendly fire. 


Got this guy, in more fantasy orientated military setting. I actually... used to have a lot more military characters, should probably work on reviving some of those.

 Journet Atelie bonboneka

Journet specializes in explosives, and can turn anything into a potential disaster if you let him tinker with it long enough!

Ora Tsvetanov Rumby

//stumbles onto this thread from another thread lol
I have so many military characters, but here is Ora, research bby who likes to make weapons