Show me your OCs with unusual names!

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by aimlessPlayer

Show me your ocs with unusual names! Things like numbers, abbreviations, nouns, etc. Just things that aren't usually used as names! I love these types of characters.

Super obscure/odd sounding but real names may qualify too.

Athyrandir "Ash" thesooshdraws

Athyrandir, pronounced ah-thran-dir

Dīvīnus DiviTragedy

Dīvīnus! Pronounced Duh-vee-nuhs or Di-vee-nuhs

 71C/Wild Aka Orbit (SC) pandaAWAKE

Or my Hλῠ́Γη have the most unusual names of my characters. Ic I normally call Orbit, but his true name is 71C/Wild, it’s both a name and coordinates. As he is a living comet.

arachiana BluLexie

this girly

✧˖°Yugana KamiKoi

I think?? I haven't seen anyone with the name Yugana yet! 

Q merucetamol

His original name was QB or Questionable Behaviour

Focaccia Fruit A.K.A Foca Edge_Goldie

Honestly I have quite a few with weird names. But this guy def has a unique one.

Mikel Lgambling Email Address Zanreo

This guy and P.H. Casinoguide would probably count, I got both from actual spambot posts lol


the name itself is average but the spelling is unusual

Lugok Blackgut KRANOT

lugoks full name and title is Prophet of the Maw, Butchermaster Lugok Mancrusher Bonebreaker Lardass Blackgut

 Splat RosyWindFox

their name is splat

Beta Draconis OllyAster

This guy is named after Beta Draconis, which is a star system part of the Draco constellation, consisting of Beta Draconis A and B. Though I tend to refer to him as Rastaban (another name Beta Draconis is known by) cause its easier. 

Miami Buzzword WandererCain

This guy is part of a whole gang of dudes with weird names, although only one of em, Atlanta Termite, has a profile on here (and he belongs to someone else)