Show me your OCs with unusual names!

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by aimlessPlayer

Show me your ocs with unusual names! Things like numbers, abbreviations, nouns, etc. Just things that aren't usually used as names! I love these types of characters.

Super obscure/odd sounding but real names may qualify too.

Heart Rate K1RA

Heart Rate is basically the frequency of a heart beat per minute. She's designed for Valentine's day so it would have been great to use a lovely name... until I gave this logical name that doesn't sound like an actual name but it fits her.

Eudaemonia mei_sylvany

named after a moth species! Eudaemonia argus

Sawtooth サートゥース KingSillySmilez

I feel like most of my ocs qualify here lmao,, but Sawtooth is one of my faves! Named after Sawtooth waves in chiptune music

🎵 monody 🎵 Sifffff_

monody is one of my favorite oc names i’ve come up with, it means a type of ode or poem

i also have liu (full name is liumi nus, like luminous, because they glow!), fen (a type of marsh-y land), and mar (a mark or blemish, like a bruise or cut)

Chedorlaomer Kelina1080

Don’t think ive seen this name be used as often or at all! Id say its pretty unusual  

LunchBox MamaDemonSenpai

Um yea that's his name, Lunchbox lmao-

Toa Spidrr Toa of Acid OmegaPrime

Spidrr. Spider but without the de and an extra r.