Show me your OCs with unusual names!

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by aimlessPlayer

Show me your ocs with unusual names! Things like numbers, abbreviations, nouns, etc. Just things that aren't usually used as names! I love these types of characters.

Super obscure/odd sounding but real names may qualify too.

Click Drawkill_Dragon

...literally a sound effect-

 ðŸŽ´: Roga-Togo skidaddle_skidoodle

her name is literally the word "рогатого" written in transliteration.

Roxy Néroxy in my language her name sounds like Roxy not Roxy.

J3253Y hmmm.

M2-9 - her name is the name of planetary nebula.

α Cephei - star.

processing power.

974 syzygyz_starfest

974! An entity in backrooms level 974. In a way, they are the level itself.

Serashina EyesOfTheVoid

Pretty silly name

its based of the name of the six winged archangels called Seraphims

Queimados Dorokorota


[ Khaku ] MechanicalArtist

Khaku was a bit of a placeholder name for him because I had no idea what to name him, but now here he is, still with the same name from a year ago lmaoo

Wafer BioHunterRon

Wafer and a lot of the underclass in her world are named after sweets!

Ubix KaboomWorks

Ubix! I haven't seen many characters with this name HSKSHS

Traleospux Thinebruveth_

Hylics characters naturally have weird names because everything is weird in that game, so as a fan character, traleospux stays true to that

Troren Runestedt CDR_Binder

His name came to me after i ate a torte


Snozzie & Morpy !! The Doomsday twins! They're the combos of my two names, Snorpy and Mozzie :D