Show Me Your Criminals

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Lonestarcelt

From the seediest back alleys to the opulent pent houses and offices of the most lavish towers to even the house next door to behind the highest offices of some governments or companies. There's one common element that binds all these places together and it's as much a part of human nature as anything else. Crime. From things as simple as stealing food to survive to some crimes which could be considered especially heinous. From the most petty misdemeanors to the vicious felonies. Criminals exist in all strata of daily life. Some have been caught and others are still at large. That's where this thread comes into play. This thread is for criminals of all shapes and forms. From all settings from the most fantastical, the most futuristic, the most contemporary? It doesn't matter. If you have yourself a character who is or was a criminal in some shape or form. Have they been caught for shop lifting and had to pay a fine? Assassinated a head of state and is on the run? Committed some unspeakable act and is now waiting on death row...or worse? Perhaps they were never caught at all? This is the thread for them. 

There are some rules however

  1. Given the nature of this thread there is a very real chance some seriously sensitive topics might come up? While this thread won't be marked as mature, as not all crimes might be particularly nasty, be smart in what you talk about and how. For example. For sensitive subjects please black out the text like this. Example text. Along with that. This thread will be less to recount the vivid graphic details of the crime and more simply letting people know what they did. For example. You can have a character that maybe be a serial killer. Try to frame it as just that. Saying what they are and maybe alluding to some of their crimes but keep any actual descriptions vague and PG-13 at worse. We don't need to know about particularly graphic details of a person's crimes. 
  2. Try not to romanticize what your character did if they did something particularly awful. By which, I mean, if say your character is a war criminal don't try to describe their crimes in a good light for example. There are exceptions to this rule such as the aforementioned stealing to eat but things such as war crimes, sexual assault, serial murder, or crimes against children? Don't frame those things as good or noble. 
  3. You can either post your characters one at a time or as a group in an OOC post. Post options are perfectly valid. Just try not to dominate an entire page with your characters. So if you are posting a few on their own? Try to only do three at a time and let more people post in the interim before you go back to going one at a time.
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person B posts
    Person C posts
    Person D posts
    Person E posts
    Person F posts
    Person G posts
    Person H posts
    Person I posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts

  4. Be respectful and don't cause drama. If someone breaks these rules please let me know and I or the admins will handle the situation.

    Now that that's out of the way? Let's bring out the line-up.

Current Ban List:

  • None, let's keep it that way. 
01. Jax Sadismancer

Rocket gang criminal soooo. Yea. He works in the biology department.

TBD VincentVanGoat

Big buff Goat gang leader of Kuroyagi, a Yakuza inspired gang sorta thing.
And then this tag for the rest of mine, as yeah all the criminals I have posted are involved in some way! Megumi least of all but there's still some things she does that aren't quite legal :p

Darcanoth Nightshade TheLadyAnatola

He was once his king’s most skilled and valuable warrior, but he committed treason because he was too much of a creep and an arrogant jerk to accept no as an answer when he wanted to court the prince; he ended up kidnapping the prince and left him with several scars before he was arrested and disposed of.

 Beauregard Osovo

A concerning amount of my charas are criminals of some sort but I'll share Beau~ He was an assassin that ended up killing a hole in the wall psychic and spends the rest of his days posing as him and giving completely BS predictions. So he was an assassin, but now he just scams people on a daily basis by preying on their fears and is committing long term identity fraud! Which is... better...? Right?

 Yash Mare Ofthyena

I've yet to update his profile or include his background, but Yoongi's a rouge "steal from the rich, give to the poor" guy.


my favorite cuddly drug-lord

Akame nut

His profile isn't updated but he's definitely the "Crazy unethical scientist who wants to take over the world" type. May or may not have people hostage somewhere.

 Oliver Bakerinator_Old

Evil boi


-Was involved in a gang -got in tons of fights and probably assaulted some folks -brought dangerous items to school

 Invidia Stelio

Vidi steals stuff all the time, usually out of pure envy and spite. If someone has something shiny and it seems to make them happy, he will try and take itEven if the person he's stealing from is a friend. In his home place (Realm? World? Not sure what to call it) it's not really considered a crime, since the others of his kind are all morally questionable immortals who get up to all kinds of shenanigans. (That doesn't mean, however, that the others don't see him as a total prick because of his habits.) Outside of his home place, it totally is a punishable crime, but that doesn't seem to stop him either.

On top of that, he's generally involved in a mafia-like organization with a few other members of his species. He will kill if necessary (or at least, he deems it necessary) but once again, when you're essentially immortal and can survive being cut into pieces, that's not surprising. But theft is his main forte and his usual go-to when he wants to cause mayhem.

 Lou whiskey

Lou is a high profile thief, as well as she runs an illegal underground poker game in her more modern story! Add around a little pirating and there's a chance she has killed before but only in the rare case that someone has caught her in the act or threatened to rat her out.