Interact with a Hex Mage!

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago (Edited 17 days, 22 hours ago) by Argen Marcirez

I want to do some character building and I cannot figure a better way then to have this antique shop owning, super dramatic, hex crafting mage build character then to have him talk to other characters or answer questions.

Gaea lophiusdragon

"Oh my!  These will be quite handy indeed!  I would like all of them!  Do you have any flower pots or cool rocks?"

Argen Marcirez


"I don't buy rocks. Gemstones sure but not Cool Rocks as you put it! You'd want a Magic Shop if you want catalyst topper or something to that effect." Argen Explains "Buuuut...Lemme see if I have any Flower Pots" He adds as he goes to look.

"Okay so you know how you wanted some Sun Iconography in one form or another?"


 "Closest I got"

Gaea lophiusdragon

"Oh my!  That is perfect!   Looks very warm and inviting!  I will take it!

Oh gemstones?  I wanna see!"

Argen Marcirez


Argen pulls out a small case "My collection isn't very biiiiiig? Mostly because I buy more...Magical Gemstones as to further my own goals."




"These are but a few of the Non Magical ones. Though even the Magical ones PALE in comparison to the ∀-Stone aka "The Amethyst of Absolutes"..." Argen says before saying"...Just another reason to get that Foolman to be in my cult." quietly.

Gaea lophiusdragon

"Oh my! They are quite colorful and shiny!  I want them all!

Magical gemstones? I wanna see them too!"

Argen Marcirez


"Oh ho ho Sorry dear. But THOSE are not for sale!"

Gwen astersigh

Wisps of blue light pushed their way through the door of the antique shop well before the blue-haired girl came following after. She hadn't noted any signs when she walked in, so her gaze filled with wonder as they laid upon all the trinkets. Well, until they darted around as the magical will-o-wisps buzzed around the shop. She could sense that they were buzzing over things with a certain magic, but couldn't identify it. 

The will-o-wisps noticed Argen's presence well before Gwen ever did, so when she turned her head she was quite surprised to see the owner of the shop. "Oh! H-hello," she sputtered nervously. "Don't be rude!" She whispered to the bright companions who seemed to be buzzing around the owner, gently batting them away. "Sorry, I don't know what's gotten into them." 

Argen Marcirez


Argen knows why her wisps are acting this way "Oh they're probably just trying to protect you." Argen replies as he looks at the wisp "Rustic to see wisps not be a Hi-Familiar." Argen notes before turning back to Gwen "Anyway welcome to my store dear! Is there anything that catches your eye?"

Gwen astersigh

"Why, you have so many wonderful wares. They're all quite eye-catching." She watched as one of the blue wisps hovered above a collection of items. "These items.. they're.. cursed?" She inquired uncertainly. 

Argen Marcirez


"MmmmmMmmm." Argen replied "Do not worry Dear I only sell the cursed one to people most...Deserving." Argen explains "Would be bad for repeated business if all my clients suffered awful curses."

Gaea lophiusdragon

"Is there anything else I haven't seen yet?"

(They can finish and i can bring out a different oc with different tastes)

Argen Marcirez


"Not sure dear. I don't have alot that would interest you...And what may might be cursed so..."

Lophius lophiusdragon

Gaea:  "I had a lot of fun today, thank you!  I think it's time we best be going!"

Thanatos:  "Thank you..."

Gaea and Thanatos leave.

A blue dragon steps into the shop.

"Oooh what is this place?  So cool!"

Argen Marcirez


"It's an Antique Store Friend."