Show me your musically talented characters!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by Izzy hedgemaze

I'm a sucker for anything related to music, so are any of your characters in a band? Do they like to sing (whether they're any good or not)? Can they play an instrument? Lay 'em on me. :) 

I'll start off-- most of my characters are musicians, because they're from a story about a battle of the bands contest, but this guy is Izzy, the lead singer/lead guitar in a punk band in the contest. He's more loud and enthusiastic than he is good, but that's all you need to be punk, right?

All my forum games and threads

Mishka Smirnov Erinwashere

Mishka's in a band and plays the keytar. They can probably sing too but prefers to stick with instrumental. 

There's also Neil who is literally named after Lemon Demon so. He's a growing musician who can probably play a lot of instruments - well, he can play them but nobody said he was good at them. He's best at song writing.

🎸Priscilla🎸 FadedMoon

This is Priscilla! She’s a country/folk musician 💕


Koda played guitar for a really long time.

okuro impeack

my guy plays guitar,sometime he sang along to it

Dayrn Binas Sycophant002

Even with his gritty, war torn outward appearance, Dayrn is a pretty sensible guy. He plays the Lute as a past time when he isn't guarding a post or being abducted lmao. Him playing instruments isn't a huge part of his character, but when he DOES play, he usually likes to play alone.


Coy makes hyperpop beats in his freetime


Both Carolina and Hector are in a travelling performance band. Carol is the lead dancer and can also sing, with a preferance for French songs.

Hector is more inclined towards intruments, and can p,ay pretty much amy genre. But he prefers more rustic or upbeat tunes, like country, folk, and occasionally tradisional music.

Erin/Trau5ie puzon

here's a singer ✨ basically all of characters on my profile are somewhat involved in making music


terri is great at bongos in his tribal AU

King Nate 'Jonna' Phantas twistedturnip

The whole line of these lads are all masterfully playing pianists

Samaël Raffaëlle (Modern) EclipsedShadowK

Can play viola, violin, cello, viol (treble, tenor and bass), piano and electric guitar and also they act and sing in musical theatre