show me your space themed ocs!

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by cosmicconundrum

these don't necessarily have to be aliens or hipster galaxy ocs. so long as they're space-related, feel free to show them off here!

Milky Way Katthekit

She counts,  right? I also have a few more but linking is hard hehe

Zenitha psijay

This one's most obviously space themed, but I've got a whole novel full of space characters!

The Aether Orca

This guy was formed when a black hole consumed a highly radioactive star, causing the black hole to explode. ...I know that's not scientifically accurate, but suspension of disbelief is a wonderful thing.

Firefly CallmeKomodo

BEHOLD! Sparkle gryphon

Dr. Nicolai Ivanovich Kozlov RaikaiRan

He lives on a big space station called Ark Nr. 09. He is a doctor who is specialized in bionics.


Firn, a messenger based on comets.


My boyo Kristal with his galaxy tail 

And the long noodle Colors 

Honestly I'm surprised that I only own two galaxy themed characters because I'm obsessed with galaxy stuff


Here she is :> x

Beta mozaik

did you say space bc low/no fantasy sci fi is my jAM and i have an entire world sprung from my love of terra e fnbfbfnfjd

tbh any time i have mechs they always end up in space sooner or later,,

(also purrdri this is ur time to SHINE)

Saturday Crimson-Catalyst

ohhh this is my new favorite thread


i've got a set of planet ocs!! Jupe, Saturday, Skylar, and Napoleon (with plans for his moon Titan too). they're straight up the jovian planets; story goes that all celestial bodies have souls, and with the stars constantly at war, they keep their solar system constituents safe in a sorta-simulation world.


and also this kid, Zenith; they're a game avatar but they're excellently space flavored. their skin has sparkly stars!!

Nazca Finches

My alien boy nazca is absolutely a space themed OC.

Peri [MOCK] Kill3r-Qu33n

Alien dog??? Alien dog.