
Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by pomynomy

quote something that would suit your oc!

Castle Finches

"When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed."


Kill or kill, no other choice

Caro McCutcheon Hobbitea

"No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, okay? Are we cowabunga on this?"

Char aaawhyme

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here"

 Pearl Moreau mvisons

"men are trash"


!gnidaer rof uoy knahT

Ara starfast

"Why go big when you can go home?" 

Pacify (Minitron) Saltminer

when pacify gets insulted, she has a phrase that she almost always uses: “I know I am— but what are you?” Encouraging the person to take a look at themselves.

Buckley polkadot

"Can you please. Get. Murdered on a different road. I'm trying to FIIILM"



"You think a laser pointer will work on me? Ha! They don't!"

(ok, but seriously, laser pointers don't work on him)