show me your antagonists!

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by Almondlover

(not even 'evil' characters, just the 'bad' one of the story!)

title is self explanatory!

Eoryth Xelephise AlleycatIrony

sorry i'm abt to post two so ur gonna get a double notification

eoryth's not the overall villain of his story but he isn't a good guy
he's definitely the one of the two antagonists out of the ... ten? eleven? characters in that verse? basically he's a Big Bird Bitch and nearly kills two characters for simply talking to his love interest  and then he stalks them and continues to almost fatally wound them whenever he gets them alone
not a yandere thing either god, he's just a v paranoid, possessive, violent douchebag

R'jhera AlleycatIrony

r'jhera is (like eoryth) not an overall antagonist (considering he's from skyrim, he's abt important as every other NPC really) but being in the thieve's guild and dark brotherhood he's... got quite the reputation and a certain little khajiit is trying to get him arrested (or killed, if she gets her way) bc he just keeps stealing precious valuables and assassinating ppl in the towns she protects

the thing w/ r'jhera tho, is he often breaks the few v important rules his guilds uphold (like the thieves guild there's a strict 'no killing' rule, he does anyway if his thieving attempts go wrong to eliminate any witnesses, and the dark brotherhood u can't kill the innocent but he will - he's... not rly v morally decent)

the only thing he's got going for him is that he'll protect children rly

like idk if he's an antagonist per-se but he's not a good dude he's selfish, seeks power, and does w/e the fuck he wants

THE DOENGEON -bluejay-

main baddie's side kick! they're obnoxious and annoying and have a tendency to ruin everything for everyone

basically they manipulate people into letting them possess them and then they go around and fuck up as much shit as they possibly can

they only do it because they think the main baddie's going to help them get their memories back though, they feel really bad about it actually


☆Kendra☆ abbysavvy

Kendra is very problematic... she's the stereotypical mean girl in a lot of people's lives. She is very mean cause yay troubled past but even so she's an antagonist because she opposes the protagonist.


Lowkey inspired by both Claude Frollo as well as Umbrella Corps from the Resident Evil Franchise. He's a young vampire with the will to find a cure to what he hates the most - purity. He also falls in love with the embodiment of innocence herself, a human princess, though… you can imagine what happens next.


Fate's a rather obvious one, but her personality's rather unstable (and ironically gets more stable during the story, which isn't a good thing). She was actually designed as Yandere-Chan inspired, which is why she looks so cutesy lol.

Crystelle Memoira Kronicalya ClyncyeRudje

Memoira is extremely deep in crime (mostly smuggling) and could very easily be considered the antagonist of any other story than her own.

Darius Purnip

Not the MAIN villain, but definitely a BAD APPLE. For those who are familiar with Homestuck, he's like my story's Eridan. A truly despicable character with next to no redeeming qualities.

 Azazel LunarLeporidae

 Azazel is the only fleshed out lore antagonist I have posted (although let it be known there's plenty more!)

Though currently having been "redeemed" (read: Put into a near vegetative state by the MC), Azazel was quite the villian in his day! His family tried their best with him, but everyone had their own plate of troubles which lead to him kinda festering as he grew up. He did some p shitty stuff, including leading to the Awakening of the Emperor and subsequently the Primordial. Though he was ironically sorted out pretty quickly by the MC (who had low-key been the explicit reason he turned edgy in the first place) because he overstepped his bounds and went after the MC's family.

Shenanigans ensured and he was tossed into a lil pocket dimension the MC created as punishment for a few years (think like the stereotypical description of hell.) By the time he was let out he was pretty messed up and that's pretty much to current date w/ him as a brief summary.

Marcus Marclyn

he's kind of a literal dick 

Cameron West PicklePantry

Nice guy that's actually vicious killer (TM). Has about all my villains (except Ark) scared.

Momoko stuntchica

There she is, the biggest asshole of them all.

Cutesy-looking bunny magical girl with no sense of personal morality and a knack for torturing people. She doesn't really have any grand evil master-plan, she's just looking to fight against those who challenge her intellectually

She's a huge asshole, but is also one of my most loved OCs, go figure

Ann YaraKoro

Ok...yeah you may say she is not evil and that's true. The focus of the story revolves around the villain and she is the villains antagonist. ^^

Akarui Teikā Mashter-Potato

Insane Yandere Dude who thinks of his victim, Yori, as his property more then anything and will literally throw everything else to the side to try and take her