show me your antagonists!

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by Almondlover

(not even 'evil' characters, just the 'bad' one of the story!)

title is self explanatory!

Liss circlejourney

RD's villain! She intentionally bucks a lot of villainous trends: in any other story, she would be portrayed as a hero--and really, she fancies herself one.

Lady Florentine ElegiacMarquise

Uhh... a nice and cute looking princess, huh? Why even does she to deserve a place to this thread? Mostly because she's an aspiring tyrant to the reign of which she's now a regent, even ready to choke the eventual dissent.

Aren xmoriartea

She's trying to unleash a demon god and recently killed the assumed 'big bad' to ensure he wouldn't get in her way soooo yeah. Antagonist is putting it lightly

Jase Rockner JayJae

(Hhhhhhh how much can I say? XD; He's an immortal with a lack of compassion. I've written his origin story, in case anyone wants to know how messed up he can be. He gets much worse as time passes.)

Ryohei Peach-Coke

He's the best at being the worst person ever tho

Smiley PicklePantry

A typical bad guy that tries to kill whoever is the protagonist

Mavra thedrowsydrow

Maaaaaavra <3 He's one of my very few 'bad guy' characters. He's a blood mage and a killer-for-hire, and he is overall a terrible dude. The protagonist of the story he's in is Maavu, and they clash a lot, both verbally and physically. Although they, uh, currently have a little...thing going on.

Wolfe ChibiMangoFloof

(Current image is the best I have RN, I don't have any good art uploaded)

Awful trash canine who is mentally unbalanced due to childhood trauma.  He's the alternate universe version of the protagonist, Jasper, and is a gang leader in a world where nonhumans are kept out of the humans' walled cities.  He seems harmless because he isn't very mentally/emotionally stable or mature, but he is very emotion driven and can and will harm anyone who upsets him. 

Random Fun Fact: He has an extreme fear of humans, and won't hesitate to kill one in "self defense"

 "Lore" celestiials

While I do have a handful of villains (who are usually tagged as "trash" hahaha- there's some villains who aren't in that tag though) I consider Lore to be the villain of my universe. It's kind of hard to explain her but essentially... she could be considered the Devil in a goddess's form; anymore elaboration would be a spoiler I think??


In my Sacred Sokuna series, Khavadku is the current main antagonist. He's your typical corrupt ruler who makes his own people suffer in order to benefit himself, but also goes around terrorizing other countries so that, once again, he can personally be benefited. He's not a good person. In fact, most of his own people don't even like him, but he has so much power that they're too scared to start a revolution. 

Overall though, Agora is the main source of evil in the SS world. He's the main reason Khavadku is even doing all these horrible things. He's a jealous deity who wants to be higher than the eldest goddess, so he does what an evil deity would do best in such a situation: Terrorize all the mortals into getting on his own side. He's been sent in a celestial timeout by the goddess, but he's still able to use his evil powers through his followers in order to revolt against the goddess' people and eventually free him.

Meanwhile in my Dream Diary series, Nukala sort of starts off as the main antagonist.  He'd create nightmares in order to show everyone the power he's capable of and tried to create a crack between the dream world and reality.  He DOES eventually learn that this isn't the right way to go about things, however, so he stops and starts creating much better dreams.  

But it doesn't end there. Gyrai shows up to start tormenting Nukala, constantly reminding him of the bad choices he made and haunting him with his past.  So while Nukala has reformed and starts siding with the protagonist, Gyrai takes his place as antagonist. He mostly targets Nukala, because he knows he needs more nightmare mages in order to keep living nightmares like him alive, so now it's up to Nukala to find out how to defeat this ghost.


Oh boy if there's one thing I love doing it's writing villains! First we have Mason Anders, a Lawful Evil Order/Creation deity who wants to try and conquer every planet he can into an order-obsessed singularity! He is also very chaos...phobic and thus wants to get rid of it entirely, isolating it by killing his twin. (Who's a chaos/destruction god. Yay.) He's a prick and I love writing him.
Next is Zel'phohaad, also kind of a prick. He's a huge primal fear god that preys on those that have superstitions or are overtly paranoid. Once summoned (in a very, very specifically hard ritual, mind you.), he can assume any form ranging from a hunched humanoid to anything his summoner fears/is traumatized by. However, he will use this ability to his advantage, often playing on his summoner's emotions/mentality for coercion ('gentle persuasion,' he calls it) or other despicable things.
I have more villains but I didn't write all the bios for them yet. fug.

Dam AeroHail

Dam's not the main antagonist of my story but being a contract killer and all he still counts.