Pros and Cons of dating your OC

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 months, 13 days ago) by Hag

just saw this on tumblr and thought it'd be hilarious to consider for anyone/everyone!!!


so instead of getting asked, just go ahead and post who you're talking about and their pros and cons!

bonus points if your character answers this IC. (cause we all know some of these OCs are huge liars and boasters lol)

Viridis Aurum CatnetCow

PROS: *Can make you a fake limb. *If you're dying, he more than likely can save you. *He likes picking at things. So you can get a good head massage.

CONS: *Probably gonna wake up, forget who you are and stab you. *Likely to hallucinate and accuse you of something stupid. *Cant cook OR drive. *All his limbs are FAKE!! *May throw his limbs at you in rage. *His body fluid is all acid. no kisses. he also needs a special toilet. *Hates being touched unless explicitly asked

Honestly if you asked him out in character he'd just walk away.

Bean (Old Ver - Retired) SpringAmongTheStars


”Ekekeke” (translation: am very big boi)

”Prrrrr” (translation: I’m a good cuddler)

”mrrp” (translation: I’ll make you yumms)


”Ehhh” (translation: I take a long time to be okay with touch)

”hfff” (translation: easily embarrassed :<)

”eeeeee!” (translation: I get spooked a lot…)

(I decided to answer in character, because why not)

Dr. Enigma comedy_pink


  • you get to listen to him ramble about robotics! he may apologize a lot if he thinks he's getting too chatty or annoying, but you don't mind
  • you even get to meet his robot kid, MC (profile is currently authorization only). MC will 95% take a liking for you no matter who you are
  • as stoic as he is, he gets softer and more vulnerable around you. he may be friendlier around people he actually knows, but with you? he's such a lovey dovey dork it's so silly but cute
  • flirt with him. he will burn up. him flirting back will definitely catch you off guard though
  • please tell him to stop overworking when you can. this man has beaten up his sleep schedule more than he has actually rested
  • can be stubborn, and will lie about being fine. let him vent about what's wrong pls (so long you're doing fine and can handle it)
  • he can appear dismissive or out of it a lot of the time
Styx --CircusDummi--


Makes good food - may burn down your kitchen

Chill guy, not toxic

Likes doing your hair :)


He is the biggest masochist you could meet

He has a literal skeleton he calls steve go around with him so-

Necromancer with issues staying in one place for long- may leave you-

Oris nibblewithlearning

Pro; will only smile with the people he loves, knows a lot, will bring something from the hunt and give it to you, don't  care about look's because you will always be pretty

Con;  Hate most people, need's blood, will most likely outlive everyone, has no fashion sense, don't like gifts, old man, emotions are for emoboys

 Lucifer ultradespairboyz


  • He's loyal only to you
  • Will do absolutely anything to make you happy
  • Knows how to cook and clean
  • Will protect and defend you at any cost
  • Will do his best to get into your interests just for you
  • Will change himself and his habits for you in an instant if you ask him to
  • Is happy to run errands for you


  • Stalker tendencies...
  • Clingy and violently jealous
  • Prone to splitting on you
  • Undiagnosed mental health issues he refuses to seek help for despite being clearly unstable
  • Will place tracking devices on you
  • Will make threats against you or himself if he thinks you're "betraying" him
  • Has a long list of crimes and will commit more if he thinks it makes you happy...
  • Might bring home a corpse or two, like how cats bring home prey
  • His willingness to change for you is actually very unhealthy, he'll change his appearance just so you might like him more
  • Will beg you to text back instantly or else he will spam you
There's probably more I'm forgetting.... Long story short he's not a good man 💀
Angie Ruins emmieisacritter


She's very protective and will protect you in times of need

Good snuggler

Got cool powers

Could defend you in an argument or something


Very aggressive and irritable at times


Was isolated from contact with any other people for so long that they're not very good at being nice, nor do they have any manners

Not very mentally stable

Constantly has the desire to murder in order to consume oil (aka blood for drones)

Often in denial about a lot of stuff like friendships, to the point where she could shout insults at you if it came to it

kentucky zoska

none. there are none. unless you like tumblr sexymen. then you have exactly one pro.

grease everywhere, it's in his dna. he can shower but he'll still be greasy five minutes later.
combo of 'fast food' +'gas station with faint tinge of alcohol' smell around him at all times.
will literally try to give you food poisoning.

Twiz (World Traveler AU) oersteds


- funny as h*ck

- supportive and open minded

- nice to the waiter


- romance is nowhere near a priority for her (may be a pro if you're into slow burn)

- dense as fuck, you'd need a miracle for her to realize you like her

- the demon king that follows her around like a lost kitten will not approve of you. there is nothing you can do about this. you will not survive.

Brainworm Epsilon9104


•He's Kinda?

•He's very good at picking up on signals


•Reverse praying mantis tendencies

•Awful to talk to

•Horrific anger issues

•ABSOLUTE man-child

 Vincent venconnor

Here we go, (sfw coz under 15)


-He’ll buy you anything thats over $300.

-Hes really good at flirting, and can make you laugh. (Hes almost husband material xd)


-He hangs out with his friends more than you.

-He almost never has time for you.

-He constantly feels neglected.

+| Schatz Eysouel

Pros :

✓ Therapist!

✓ Silent listener!

✓ .. Loyal! 

✓ Very kind, and forgiving!

Cons :

X Its a furry (Skullpup/ Skulldog)

X won't go to sleep

X Very clingy. Will never leave

X Their age changes, So does the gender.. 

X Ever break up say g'bye to your food.

Keh Verand [ TWST ] Takumi

- He's really good at baking, so you'd very easily be able to get sweets out of him. Especially if you like peaches, since peach tarts and cobblers are his speciality.
- She will absolutely commit a murder for you. Or if you don't want to go that extreme, help you prank the absolute shit out of someone.
- He's very empathetic and loves cuddles, if you had a bad day you get free cuddles and warm blankets.
- EXTREMELY loyal. Will not, under any circumstance, cheat on someone she's in a relationship with. Values honesty and loyalty very highly.

- Really good at making potions for really specific random things. You want a tranquilizer to put on arrows to help you hunt? He can make that!

- Asexual. I mean, this might not be a con for everyone but it's a con for some people. Very romantic, but no sexy touchy due to body his bad body and gender dysphoria he freaks out if seen without clothes on.
- You'd have to put up with Azul and the Leech twins. Mostly Floyd. She will not toss her best friend aside for a lover. You want to date her? You get the chaos eel. This is not up for debate.
- Hope you like deep seated self worth issues masked behind an unconvincing stepford smilier!
- Tends to jump around between interests a lot and gets REALLY into something when he's into it. Hyperfixates like there is no tomorrow.

- Has a bit of a temper but also is prone to panic attacks when faced with conflict so that's always fun.

- You'd have to be down with the whole 'genderfluid' thing and constant switching of pronouns. It's neither a con nor a pro just like 'Keh is like this'.