🐍 Morphs and Adults

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 months, 8 days ago) by HannahBug

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Morphs: A variation seen only in adults. Typically somewhat similar to the base anatomy
(Written details on adult morphs, builds, or whatever a type's replacement is)

🐍 Default: Joey, Fae, Reach, Goblin
🦎 Subspecies Defaults: Multitasker, Spook, Silverback, Hoardmaster, Roostling, Cygnest, Broodlett, Common, Regal, Saur, Saurus, Saurling, Minskin, Pod, Layered, Overflow, Strider, Reaper, Bumble, Tumble, Purfle, Fringed, Grouper, Veiled, Wally, Fairy, Noodle, Bough, Yoyo, Cubby, Lesser, Midling, Greater, Humm, Shade, Haul, River, Ocean, West, Wyvern, Lung, Amphitere, Pupa, Point, Pants, Vamp, Swooner, Siphoner, Stalker, Pondskipper colors, Morgan, Miniature, Shire, Sampson, Falabella, Pumuckel, Dainty, Curly, Dales, Midnighter, Sand Trotter, Fjord, Historia, Campolina, Tree Climber, Maskpouch, Furstrip, Ringtail
🔮 Behemoth Defaults: Legend, Snowcoat, Spiny, Frost, Packmate, Orbit, Dire, Spitfire, Surveyor, Bramble

🐢 Special Morphs: Mer (any), Gilded (Shiny), Yeti, Snowball (any), Hollowed (any), Slipper, Fantail (any), Sheeps' Clothing (Fawn), Angel (Plumie), Arachnid (Exo), Spool (any), Pygmy (Plumie/Pterrur), Puffii (...?), Sand Wurm (Wyrm), Mangum, Phena, Hyracotherium, Miohippus, Marychippus, Striped Destrier (Centaruid/Cuddletaur), Pegasus (Centaurid/Cuddletaur), Tradition, Forestling, Warrihorn, Silken (Centaurid/Cuddletaur), Kelpie, Blanque, Tangie (Centaurid/Cuddletaur), Seafarer, Hookfin, Rippletail, Jetsam, Flotsam (Centaurid/Cuddletaur), Sleipnir, Longma, Tianma, Umakan (Centaurid/Cuddletaur), Hippogriff, Ornihippus (Centaurid/Cuddletaur)
🐈 Heights, Builds, Etc: Puggle, Canidae, Slink, Large, Medium, Small, Enigma, Reduced, Deter, Harpy, Flight, Sprint, Swim, Vouge, Fence, Knight, Highborn, Homebody, Breakthrough, Trawler, Archaic, Townfolk, Stompaw, Bother, Cuddlekith, Garden, Milk, Titano, Skyblue, Rushdown, Summergone
🐆 Special Heights, Builds, Etc: Jumbo, Fun (Grib), Bully, Flaunt (Fake), Shamble-hand, Shrubber, Highstep (Quill)


Special-morph-Sheeps-clothing.pngA special morph applicable to Fawnettes. Only available via events, items, etc

🌸 Sheeps' Clothing: A morph longer and more lithe than common, but only a little taller (stands 3'5" - 4'5"). Includes one set up upper fangs and more pointed cheek fluff. Hooves are longer and sharper with two "dew claws" each. These are dangerous enough that they take on the accent color. The belly scales are 'v' shaped. The tail blade is obscured by a large tuft, but it's still there, rest assured. Eyes are usually more slanted

The morph is generally seen as quite scary by other Fawns. Usually, only nasty people get it, so a kid morphing into this may cause general panic. Of course, not everybody who gets it can be evil...right...?


Special-morph-Hollowed.pngA special morph. Can only be earned through events, items, etc

🌸 Hollowed: The mouth lacks significant fangs, formed only by smaller, pointy teeth. Long arms with elongated fingers. Wide, tired looking eyes. The spine protrudes despite how much the Snakekey actually weights, the first few bumps being almost-spikes. The belly scales appear like a rib cage on the torso and then continue down normally along the naga tail. Stands 4'-5' tall unless applied on a significantly smaller or taller keke type, in which case it may be more the typical height for that type (optional)


Special-morph-Arachnid.pngA special morph applicable to Exoskeletals. Only available via events, items, etc
Suggested by Emr100

🌸 Arachnid: These little creatures stay around the height of a young keke (1'6" - 2'6"). They grow two pairs of additional arms located further down the torso and tail. The ears shrink down into hatchling-like nubs. The base of the upper scales is rounded upwards while the lower scales are rounded downwards, forming a ball shape between the two of them. All scales are round


Astral-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Astrals

🌸 The Reduced morph has much less space than the average Stra. The ears remain about the same, but the head tuft is left as only a flat stripe on the forehead. The mane shrinks to regular mane size and length while the tail tip shrinks some. The arms are very long and thin with the central paw pad being a five-point star. This morph stands a little taller than a joey, being 4'5" - 6'
🌸 Sails are space from the shoulders up. The cheek pouches, mouth, and belly scales remain on top of the space, but the paw pads disappear. This morph has elongated eyelashes and big, wing-like extensions from the arms. They stand as high as a fae, being 3'6" - 4'8" tall
🌸 Star nurseries revert to the entire keke being made of star-stuff, though the mouth and cheek pouches remain. The belly scales stop at the end of the torso and the paw pads disappear. This morph is a little short, being 4'-3' tall


Sandrunner-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Sandrunners

🌸 Jojo is the base Runner anatomy, standing about 4'-5'
🌸 Tiptop is the tallest SR morph, being very elongated. The fin on the back is larger to help them steer their larger bodies. It's accompanied by a smaller fin on the upper side of the tail, right neat the rattle. The belly scales are 'V' shaped and the legs are jointed a little bit differently than the others with the fibula/tibia being exceptionally short and the metatarsals super long. They stand 5'5" - 7'
🌸 The baba (which is a gender neutral mama/papa) is small with a gentle hourglass figure. This is less noticeable from the side with the exception of the super thick thighs 💪. The ears and back fin have rounded edges and the tail is very short compared to other morphs. The belly scales are made of slightly spaced, upside-down hearts. Likewise, the central paw pad is heart shaped, making the outer two toes point inwards a bit. They stand 3'-4' tall
🌸 Bulk morphs are thick because they're buff. Their tail rattle split,  branches in opposite directions, and is firmer for hittin' things with. The central paw pad is three rounded shapes like you'd see on a cat or dog. They stand a little bit over most jojos, being 5'5"-6'


Pantan-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific adult morphs for Pantans
Both designed by MissAlmighty!

🌸 Yoyo has slightly pointed ears, noticeable, but not overly prominent hips, and zig-zag shaped belly scales. They're significantly longer in the naga tail than cubbies are, through they only stand a little taller, being 6'5"-8' tall. The mane and tail tuft may have an extra inch added to their hair length, but this is not required

🌸 Cubby is the "default" look for Panns. They stand 6'-7'9" tall


Leopurr-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific morphs for Leopurrs
All designed by Kryptic-Splash!

🌸 Lesser morphs are the smallest of the Leo morphs. They have sparse, scruffy manes, a tiny head tuft, and totally lack a tail tuft. Their ears are quite long and have a general triangle shape instead of the swooping shape other morphs have. They stand only 2'5"-3' tall

🌸 Middlings are the default anatomy for Leopurrs. They stand 5'3"-6' tall

🌸 Greater morphs are the largest Leo morph and feature the poofiest hair of all three. Their manes, head tufts, and tail tips are all very large. In addition, they have a pair of protruding upper canine fangs. They stand 6'7"-7'11" tall


Looksee-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Looksees
All are suggestions by VyrusVoyd!

🌸 Humm morphs are itty-bitty, teeny-tiny! They stand 1'4"-1'10" tall. Aside from having a bit more skin that connects the arms to the body, they appear pretty much like a shrunk down joey Look. They tend to be incredibly high-energy and move around notably faster than your average keke. They can go, go, go until they abruptly pass out...before waking up and go, go, going again...!

🌸 Shades are long and quite narrow. Their arms and necks are substantially longer than regular proportions would imply, both being almost double of the norm. The fingers are slightly longer and thinner while their belly scales are flat instead of downward-facing. They stand 7'11"-8' tall. These keke tend to be delicate and willowy with avoiding confrontation being in their best interest, as they're more susceptible to broken bones

🌸 The Haul morph has strong, thick arms that are no joke! The width of their fingers alone are almost wider around than a typical Look's arm. These big, meaty claws are excellent for digging, but terrible for moving about quickly. They have only a tiny, upside down teardrop of belly scales on their chest since they wouldn't need many for their supposed life underground. While not as common in modern times, haul morphs that are accustomed to living underground will usually heave themselves about with their arms instead of slithering. There isn't much room in tunnels for a back-and-forth wiggly tail, so they often grow unaccustomed to it! They are of generally average height, standing 4'4"-5'2" tall


Webbed-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Webbed keke
Both are suggestions by MagaloupXD!

🌸 River morphs are generally considered the "default" Web morph due to being much more common in the valley. They're long and slender with elongated heads. The neck and arms are also notably lengthened. They have a short fin running along their backs from about shoulder to hip (where the leg nubs sprout). The membrane connecting the first fin spur to the neck area is sometimes absent. Back fins are usually supported by around three spurs, but may have more. Tails have large, paddle-like fins supported by around three fin spurs, though the number can vary. They stand 5'5"-6' tall

🌸 Ocean morphs are very different from river morphs. As implied by the name, they're better suited for a different environment (but it seems to be one that doesn't exist in the valley, so that's just silly!). Bodies are coated with dense, water-slicking fur that keeps them very warm, but puts them at risk of overheating in most biomes. While their arms are still long, they're a touch thicker than those of the rivers with bigger, rounder paws. They lack any of the fins that the other morph has (with the exception of the leg nubs, which may still be finned) and are significantly shorter, being 3'6"-4' tall


Drake-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Drakes
All are suggestions from MythicalWatch01!

🌸 West morphs are often considered the "default" morph of Drakes, as it's believed many of the first Drakes grew up into these. They have large, spiky ears and big, big paws. They form sizeable, jagged wings on their backs that are separate from their arms and fully capable of flight. The belly scales are 'V' shaped and face downwards. Wests have a large height variety, standing between 4 and 7 feet tall

🌸 Wyvern morphs are much more slender and usually have a longer, trailing naga tail. The arms are much lighter and support large, jagged wings that allow them flight. The ear nubs are much smaller than a west's, though still very pointy. The belly scales are downward-facing 'V' shapes. They have a huge height variation and may stand anywhere between 1'5" to 9'5"

🌸 Lung morphs are the only Drake morph that lack wings, though they're capable of levitation instead. The mouth opens further back on the head than other morphs and the cheek pouches have fluffy tufts coming off them. The ear nubs are more rounded with the first nub being average-sized and the second being quite tiny. The neck is very long and fairly thick with the belly scales partially climbing up it. Arms are a reduced size with small shoulders. The naga tail is very long. There will be a mane that covers at least the back of the neck, but may run all the way to the tail tip. The tail is tufted with a large puff of fur, though this is totally absent in some lungs. The belly scales are flat, not facing up or down. These are the largest of the Drake morphs and while they may stand a modest 4-5' like a joey, they can be up to 19 feet tall! Despite being able to be this big, they themselves may not look supermassive, as the elongated naga tail will account for some of these extra feet

🌸 Amphitere morphs are the Drakes' smallest and, unlike the others, they have feathers on their ears, wings, and chests. Their bird-like wings replace the arms and are set more towards the back of the keke, looking more like an actual bird when at rest than somebody who has regular shoulders with arm-wings popped on. They're more slender than a west and their necks tend to take on a bit of an S-shape (though they're not any longer than average, mind!) The belly scales are rounded and face downward. They stand only 3-4' tall


Loomer-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Loomers

🌸 Pupa is the "default" morph for Looms, with scales on the arms, a saddle patch on the back, and a line of scales along the naga tail that envelops the tail bulb. The stand over joeys, being 6-8' tall

🌸 Points are very similar to pupas, though much -as implied- pointier. Their claws are huge, being double or triple the average size. Their saddle patch has 1-5 spikes coming off of it, though these won't be any longer than 6 inches each. The tail bulb isn't fully enveloped with scales like it is on a pupa, though they do bleed around the edges a bit. More notably, there's a large "stinger" spike on the final scale, which can be up to 2 feet long. These guys are a touch smaller than your Loomer average, standing 5'5"-7" tall

🌸 Pants see a fusion of the saddle patch and the lower tail scales. The scales also wrap around the tail much sooner (just below the hip area), hence "pants". There's also some additional plating on the face, covering the nose bridge area and the centermost teeth on the upper jaw. The naga tail lacks the pudge at the end that the other morphs have, ending like you'd expect a snake's tail to. While generally the same size as pupas, they can be a touch taller, standing 6-8'7" tall


Nightling-adult-morphs.pngSubspecies-specific default morphs for Nightlings
All four designed by Zmithic!

🌸 Vamp is the "default" morph for Nights with average wing size and a modest, joey-like height of 4-6' tall

🌸 Swooners are quite small and a wee bit plump. Their manes are substantially longer and paired with poofy, curly ear and head tufts. The central paw pad and starting belly scale are both heart-shaped. The rest of the belly scales point downward in 'V's, as is usual for Nights. They stand around 2'7" to 3'5"

🌸 The siphoner morph is very thin and boney. They appear to have an itty-bitty waist, but this is actually a slight bulge in the naga tail to accommodate for a peculiar organ placement (required thanks to their sleekness). The fang teeth are twice the expected size, protruding far past the jawline and the central paw pads are diamond-shaped. The wings may appear slightly larger, but this is due to siphoners having longer arms than vamps or swooners. The belly scales form a thinner line than they usually would, so part of this morph's skin will drag on the ground while slithering. They usually far favor flight over the forming of callouses this requires to wind around comfortably. The eyes may take on a narrowed appearance, but this seems to be optional. They stand a touch taller than vamps, being 6-7' tall

🌸 Stalkers are way bigger than other Night morphs. Their wings are massive compared to the others', further amplified by their elongated arms. They have very long necks, but short, more cat-length ears. They have a generous helping of naga tail that usually sees them standing around 9 to 14 feet tall



The default builds for Fakekeys 

🌸 Puggle: "Default" anatomy. Basically a joey with legs, give or take a few features. It should be noted that the way the limbs are attached have a "snake with legs tacked on" vibe with unprominent shoulders or hips. They stand 4'3"-5' tall from foot to top of head
🌸 Canidae:  A smaller build with a deep chest and a tiny waist. Includes less feathering on the limbs and a shorter tail. Belly marking comes up to form two spikes on the sides. Stand 2'9"-3'2" from foot to top of the head
🌸 Slink: Longer than usual, mainly in the torso, limbs, and tail. Taller than the other two, being 6'1"-7' from foot to the top of the head


Gribbon-adult-heights.pngThe default heights for Gribbons

🌸 Large: Meant to imitate reach morphs. The largest size with big tail feathers and taller horns. Stand 6'-8'4" tall from foot to top of the head, capable of undershooting or overshooting their height target

🌸 Medium: Average height with your average horn and tail feather size - the "default" look. Stand 3'9"-4'9" tall from foot to top of the head, which is just not quite right

🌸 Small: Meant to imitate goblin morphs. The smallest size with itty bitty tail feathers and shorter horns. Stand 2'-4' tall from from foot to top of the head and hopefully nobody will notice...


Special-height-Jumbo-fun.pngSpecial heights for Gribbons that must be applied via item, event, etc
These were both suggested by rosythefoxluv!

🌸 Jumbo: Just in case imitating a reach morph isn't big enough for ya. The horns are so big that they may bend slightly backwards. Tail feathers are...just massive. They stand 10-11'5" tall from foot to the top of the head

🌸 Fun: These little guys can imitate tinier keke types. Their horns are little more than small nubs while their tail feathers are very short and fine. Stand 1'5" to a meager 5"!