
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Breshcandra

Polaris was finally free.  Free to make her own choices,  Free to hunt what ever she wanted.  Free!  She leapt up high and squealed.  She had waited for this moment.  The moment that her mother and father but most importantly the clans leader decided she had learned enough to be on her own.  To maybe start her own clan.  

She ran in circles until till she was tired out and had to lay sprawled out, panting to catch her breath and her thoughts.  Now that she was alone she needed to think for herself.  She needed to first find water and then shelter then she could hunt.  

She got up and started lopping toward the river she knew.  Maybe if she followed it she would be able to spot a cave where she could make into her shelter.  

(138 words)

 Polaris Breshcandra

Polaris shrugged when Leaf declined and quickly finished off the rest of the fish.  That hit the spot.  She was no longer hungry and could now find some place to sleep through the night.

"I was hoping to find some where close to the river.   It would be neat to find an old forgotten den.  But I probably won't have any such luck."    Polaris walked over to the bags and poked one.  "Do you need help with these things." Without waiting for a reply she stuck her nose in one.   "What are these any way?"  She asked.  Her nose crinkling at the smell.

(103 words)

 Polaris Breshcandra

"Ah ok." Polaris looked down at the fish.  Now mostly bones.  She had gotten as much off the bones as was possible.  She kicked the skeleton back into the river.  She knew that the little fish and other water animals like the crabs would have the rest of it picked clean.

"You seem to know a little bit about what's here.  How long have you been on your own?"  Polaris asked.  She looked up at the darkening sky.  "Yeah it might be good to go to that cave of yours. You sure you don't need help with those?" She asked again eager now to get to shelter.

(words:107.  Leveled up )

 Polaris Breshcandra

Polaris looked into the cave.  She didn't see anything to be alarmed about.  It was dry and had no signs of recent habitation.  It was a decent size and could easily hold the two of them with a little room to spare.  

"I don't mind the cold" Polaris said as she walked along the wall heading toward the back.  "As long as you don't mind.  And if it gets to cold we can share each others body warmth."

She turned in a circle, roughing up the ground a little a laid down.  

(words 92)