Envisioning You (Member Gift!) [Over!]

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by HannahBug

YYellow_eye_in_darkness.pngou're having a dream. Somewhere, there is a yellow eye watching you. You know it is yellow despite never seeing it no matter how many times you turn to look. There's only blackness out there

In front of you, there are two baskets. Each one is about two-thirds your height. They are identical except for the fact that one is full of eggs, mostly Snakekey, and one is not

You're sorting them. You take an egg from the top of the full, almost overflowing basket and gently slip it into its vacant neighbor. No matter how many times you do this, the empty basket never fills. As soon as a shell touches its bottom, you watch the egg slowly fade away into nothing

For a while, you weren't really thinking about it. Now, you're starting to feel hopeless... You think the feeling is coming off the eye. Somewhere out there, you feel it. It's sad. And its sadness is familiar

You feel like doing something about it. The sensation surprises some part of you. You think that, usually, you would just keep sorting the eggs until you awoke. Instead, you reach out and grab the empty basket. You ball it up in your fist. You rip and tear. If the eggs disappear at the bottom, then maybe the bottom is the problem...

The eye is watching. No... there's more than one now. As you dislodge a piece of the basket, you feel eyelids open as if they were your own. You look out over the sea of void, material still wadded in your paw. Eyes stare back: yellow, white, gold.


👁️ Until February 10th, noon PST, you can claim up to three eggs from this pool. You choices are Zenith, Equinox, Fairy Pondskipper, and (neutral) Elemental
👁️ Not interested in eggs? You can replace each one that you don't want with one ascended upgrade of your choice! (Thusly three max)
👁️ In order to claim rewards of any type, simply post in the DA announcement or this TH comment chain that you're claiming your prizes! You don't have to pick what you want as of posting - you can choose at any time : )

⭕ This pool will remain open until February 10, noon/12:00 PM (PST) 
There will NOT be exception days after it closes!