Welcome to Skyblue [Over!]

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago (Edited 10 months, 4 days ago) by HannahBug

What is a Snakekey but a snake and man? Why leave it at that?
What are you, speciesist? Gosh

This is an April Fools' event, but it's also... sort of the most "serious" April Fools' event the group has seen to date...! It's longer and
has more rewards, all of which you will be able to keep. No rugs will be pulled out from beneath your feet, we don't play like that here!
⭕ PS, the word "kekin" is used below. This just means "people" or "humanoid", but for Snakekeys

Skyblue Institute
We here at Skyblue Institute believe there is life to be found beyond life on Xavier. How cruel of us is it, truly, to keep life from those who have not yet been created by not creating them in the first place? Unfathomably so! Which is why we here at the institute have taken this daunting task upon our shoulders. We uphold the right to life so that you don't have to! All that we ask is that you take these ethically sourced lifeforms into your heart and perhaps, one day, even into your homes. Thank you - from all of us.

The Cattlepede is a felid creature combined with Snakekey genes, giving it a long, reptilian body. The dozens of tiny legs? It came up with those on its own. Nature is amazing! Cattlepedes are very intelligent - on par with Mudfin-likes - due to their genetic makeup. Still, they enjoy being pet and will happily curl up in your lap for a session. The sensation of fur sprouting from beneath smooth scales may take a few tries to get used to, but we think you'll find you'll start to like it once you get used to it! Be kind to the Cattlepede, for it loves you very much

[Apply Within]

(🍃 Every user may create Cattlepedes for free
🍃 If you'd like to earn more than 2 Cattlepedes, draw or write about your keke/PC seeing a poster (or some such) for Skyblue Institute
🍃 Written entries must be at least 350 words
🍃 Drawn entries must be at least a halfbody with a background or shading
🍃 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🍃 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🍃 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!)

Skyblue Institute
Many have asked us through social media or our anonymous mail-in source if we're doing the right thing here at Skyblue Institute. And we're here to reassure you that we are! These wonderful creatures are much happier existing than they would be not existing. Besides, no genes are extracted from unwilling participants nor are any of our occupants treated with anything below optimal care. You've seen them. Look at how pleased they are! It's just that easy. Thank you for understanding - from all of us.


Never before has the Snakekey genome seen such joy. Combined with caniforms, the Phyogg is a bundle of love and happiness. It has an impressive gape and enjoys dropping its entire jaw to pant. Isn't that just darling? The body is entirely covered with sleek scales with the exception of the head, which is soft and furry for optimal patting. In terms of kekin beasts, the Phyogg is not the highest on the intelligence scale. However, you'll find that they'll easily trump most others from their species category! This many-ribbed beast is ready to curl around you and give you all sorts of kisses if you'll only let it

[Apply Within]

🌿 (Every user may create Phyoggs for free
🌿 If you'd like to earn more than 2 Phyoggs, draw or write about your keke/PC seeing a creature for Skyblue Institute. Is it a Cattlepede, Phyogg, or Scratty? Or...something else?
🌿 Written entries must be at least 350 words
🌿 Drawn entries must be at least a halfbody with a background or shading
🌿 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🌿 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🌿 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!)

Skyblue Institute
Where is the institute located? Who provides its funding? Who are the employees? These are all very popular questions! And all questions have answers. Some are just harder to find than others. Trust us when we say that Skyblue Institute is reliably sourced and funded as well as located in an area that provides our occupants with all that they may need. And really, what more could you ask for? Further proof can even be found within the photo gallery on our website. Taken by a professional photographer! How beautiful... Thank you for your questions - from all of us.

You'd think the combination of Snakekey and rodent genes would have some kind of scales, but no! The Scratty is all soft, beautiful fur. And that's not the only way they surprise...! Their intelligence seems to be almost directly on-par with that of kekin. Even though they can't speak the language, they can quickly learn to understand it. And then, there's always cheek pouch communication! Being free spirits, the Scratty very much dislikes the setting here at the institute. It is in their best interests to be adopted into loving homes where they can exercise their mental capabilities and wander where they please. See the mail-in form below if you think your home is fit to house a Scratty. Please. Really think about it. They're starting to revolt

[Apply Within]

(🥝 Every user may create Scratties for free
🥝 If you'd like to earn more than 2 Scratties, draw or write about your keke/PC with a baby Scratty clinging to them somewhere (the mane is a popular target)
🥝 Written entries must be at least 350 words
🥝 Drawn entries must be at least a halfbody with a background or shading
🥝 NPCs or Punkin can be used in place of your own characters
🥝 You may enter as many times with as many keke as you like!
🥝 Entries go in the Event Entries folder or the drop-off thread!)

Scratty Mail Order Application*

Full name of applicant:                                                            Age:                Address:                                                    
Square scalage of home:                                                        # of occupants:                Occupant species:                                                    
Occupant temperament:                                                        Applicant temperament:                                                    
Political standing of home:                                                    

(*This is facetious, don't actually fill it out ;) Unless it amuses you...?)

⭕ This event ends June 14, midnight/11:59 PM (PST)
Exception days will be available for registration after the event