In Camp

Posted 2 years, 4 days ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by Lulu_Brandybuck

In WindClan camp


Freshkill Pile

A pile food kept in a shallow depression for later consumption.

Talking Cliff

A cliff that overlooks the camp. Announcements are made from it.

Hazelfur Ice_Wing

Hazelfur sighed sitting down. "Yes im your mentor Mochapaw." Dazzlingmoon and Owlspot came out and nuzzled Mochapaw before going off.

Mochapaw queercoded

She smiled as her parents nuzzled her. "Alright!" she looked confused as to why her mentor was sighing. 

Hazelfur Ice_Wing

Hazelfur thought, Of course, i end up as a mentor i don't have the patience for this. She said "Come on i'll show you how to hunt and then we can try it out. Stick close." Hazelfur slowly padded out of camp and towards the hunting grounds.

(Hunting ground fourm)

Sorrelscar queercoded

Sorrelscar was laying down, her legs under her belly. She looked around before yawning. 

Sorrelpaw Ice_Wing

Sorrelkit burst out of the nursery at full speed and was making an attempt to escape camp. 

Sorrelscar queercoded

She quickly got up and ran over to Sorrelkit. "Don't you escape camp now, your parents would be worried." she remarked as she grabbed the kit by the scruff gently. 

Sorrelpaw Ice_Wing

Sorrelkit squeaked and said, "But i-i wanna go out!" Sorrelkit pouted in Sorrelscar's grasp. Spottedkit watched in amusement from outside the nursery. 

Iceleap had been resting and saw the exchange with a sigh of relief he padded over and said, "Sorrelkit you know better, and Spottedkit why where you just watching."

The two kits whimpered at their father's scolding. 

TromboneSpit(For Dragonflykit if you want to join in the mess of kits)

Sorrelscar queercoded

Sorrelscar gently let go off Sorrelkit, looking towards Iceleap. She wondered what it would be like if she had kits herself. 

Spottedpaw Ice_Wing

Spottedkit said, "Well I wanted to see some drama papa." 

Sorrelkit said, "Spottedkit dared me too!" 

Snowpounce padded over to sorrelscar yawning he said "What's going on?" 

Iceleap said "Don't Papa me! You know better spottedkit and Sorrelkit don't blame things on your sister."

Sorrelscar queercoded

"See for yourself, love." she chuckled. She used love as a nickname, just because she liked saying it. 

Snowpounce Ice_Wing

Snowpounce looked and then said "Ah mischeifivious litter." Snowpounce, Swiftleap, and Iceleap had cleared up everything and he was on good terms with iceleap. He said "Hey honey can we talk about something?" He turned wagging his tail for her to follow.

Spottedkit and Sorrelkit where carried over to the nursery with Iceleap grooming them. He was still scolding the two kits.

Sorrelscar queercoded

"Sure!" she smiled and followed her mate. 

Snowpounce Ice_Wing

Snowpounce stopped and faced Sorrelscar. He asked "H-have you thought about kits?" He was wanting to have a family with Sorrelscar but only if she wanted too.